Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

The Benevolent Fund is designed for the purpose of relieving afflicted o 
and distressed clerks (being members), their widows and families, who me: 
from unavoidable circumstances have been unable to make provision for 
themselves. a 
The funds of this department are raised by the following means, viz. : ase 
—By one-third of the profits arising from the Benefit department, every 
five years ; by the donations, subscriptions, and bequests of merchants, or 
bankers, and other charitably-disposed persons, and by the subscriptions 
of clerks. : 
In order to ensure the permanent stability of this fund, no relief will bh 
be granted from it until it shall amount to the sum of £5000, when the ime 
interest on that sum may be applied to the relief of distressed clerks, as mw 
hereafter specified; but no more until the said fund shall amount to the : 
sum of £10,000. 
After the last-mentioned sum has been raised, the general committee 
is empowered to apply the interest thereof, together with such portion of 
the annual subscriptions as may be deemed expedient, to the purposes 
hereafter mentioned, but on no account to reduce the permanent fund 
below the sum of £10,000. 
Permanent relief to be granted, by way of pension, of £25 and up- 
wards, according to the circumstances of the case, the funds at the dis- 
posal of the board, and the contributions of the applicants, to distressed 
clerks of good character, who are or have been members of either branch 
of this association, and who, from old age, sickness, blindness, or other 
infirmity, are rendered incapable of obtaining their living; such pensions 
to be payable by quarterly instalments. fea 
Pensions of £15, £20, or £25, to be granted to the widows of de - 
ceased members, of good character, who are in distress ; but such pen- 
sion to cease should such widow marry again. 
Clerks subscribing one guinea annually, or ten guineas in one pay - 
ment, will be members of this branch of the association, and be entitled 
to one vote at elections, with the privilege of entering their names in the 
Subscribers of one guinea and upwards annually will be entitled to 
one vote for every guinea. 
Subscribers of ten guineas at one payment will be life-governors, and 
entitled to one vote, and an additional vote for every such additional ten 
The general committee is empowered to increase, decrease, or suspend 
any pension, under particular circumstances, as provided in the rules. 
The general committee is empowered in their discretion to apportion 
such part of the Benevolent Fund (provided it is not reduced below the 
amounts above specified) as may be deemed expedient as a casualty 
fund, to afford temporary relief to distressed clerks who are or have 
been members, or to their widows and families. The temporary relief 
to be granted from the casualty fund to be as follows, viz. :—

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