Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Tabular view of the effect of the Additions} declared prospectively on Policies of 
the original amount of £1000, opened in the years undermentioned, if becoming 
claims in the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh year of the suc- 
ceeding septennial period of the Society’s progress. 
! Policy with Amount of Policy, including Prospective Additions, if Claim emerge in the Year. 
Year | vested Addi- _——— _ 
of tions at | DN 
Entry.| Jan. 1, 1839. 1839. 1840. 1841. |, 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 
Co aCe 2 £8 d £. S. lL 8 idl BS dE. 8 dN £5. dE. Sid 
1815 1587 4 6 1618 19 4 1650 14 2/1622 9 1/1714 4 0/1745 18 10|1777 13 9/1809 8 7 
1816 1587 4 6 161819 4 1650 14 21682 9 11714 4 0/1745 18 10(1777 13 9/1809 8 7 
1817 1587 4 6 161819 41650 14 2/1682 9 11714 4 0/1745 18 10|1777 13 9{1809 8 7 
1818 1587 4 6 '1618 19 4 1650 14 2/1682 9 11714 4 0/1745 18 10/1777 13 9|180% 8 7 
1819 1587 4 6 1618 19 4 1650 14 2]1682 9 11714 4 0[1745 18 i0|1777 13 911809 8 7 
1820 1345 4 0 1372 2 11399 0 21425 18 Sj345e 16 4|1479 14 5(1506 12 6 1533 10 7 
1821 1328 2 0 135413 3,:33L 4 6(1407 15 9/1434 7 0[1460 18 2|1487 9 5|1514 0 8 
1822 1311 0 0 :337 4 5/1363 8 101389 13 2/1415 17 7|1442 2 0(1468 6 5[1494 10 10 
1823 1293 18 0 1319 15 71345 13 1{1371 10 8{1397 8 31423 5 10|1449 3 4|1475 0 11 
1824 127616 0 1302 6 9 1327 17 5[1353 8 21378 18 11{1404 9 7[1430 0 4{1455 11 0 
1825 125914 0 1284 17 11 1310 1 9|1335 5 8 1360 9 61385 13 5|1410 17 3|1436 1 2 
1826 1242 12 0 1267 9 01292 6 1|i317 3 1 1342 0 2|1366 17 2|1391 14 31416 11 3 
1827 122510 0 '250 0 2127410 5(1299 0 7 1323 10 10(1348 1 0(1372 11 2/1397 1 5 
1898 1208 8 0 1232 11 4 1256 14 9(1280 18 1 1305 1 5(1i29 4 10/1353 8 2(1377 11 6 
1829 1191 6 0 1215 2 £11238 19 0[1262 15 7 1286 12 1|1310 8 7!133¢ 5 111358 1 8 
1830 ' 1174 4 0 1197 13 8 1221 3 4/1244 13 0]1268 2 9|1291 12 5[1315 2 1[1333 11 9 
1831 1157 2 0 1180 4 10 1203 7 8[1226 10 6/1249 13 4/1272 16 2|1295 19 01319 1 1| 
1832 1140 0 0 1162 16 0 1185 12 0/1208 8 0{1231 4 0{1254 0 01276 16 0(1299 i2 © 
1833 1120 0 0 1142 8 0 1164 16 0(1187 4 0/1209 12 0(1232 0 0/1254 8 0|1276 16 0 
183¢ 1100 0 0 1122 0 0 1144 0 0f1166 0 0/118 0 0/1210 0 €|1232 0 0/1254 0 © 
*1835 1080 0 0 1123 4 011d 16 0|1166 8 0/1188 0 0{1209 12 0|1231 4 © 
*]18&36 1060 0 0 1123 12 01144 16 01166 0 0|1187 4 0[1208 8 0 
*]837 1040 0 0 1123 4 01144 0 0(1164 16 01185 12 © 
¥]1838 1020 0 © oe 1122 0 0(1142 8 01162 16 0 
k1839 = 1000 9 © ae or 1120 0 0{1140 0 © 
¥1840 | 1000 0 © : ve 111% 00 
Note—This Table proceeds on the supposition that the claim emerges after the 
annual contribution or premium has been paid for the year in which it so emerges. 
If the claim emerge before such payment, the sums payable will be those set down 
in the table as applicable to the immediately preceding year. 
Mixed Assurance Company. Established a.p. 1810. Cornhill. 
On all policies for £100 and upwards for the whole period of life the 
net profits of the society accruing from and after Midsummer, 1837, 
shall be divided equally between the proprietors und the assured, namely, 
one moiety to each: such division to be made at such periods, and in 
such manner, as may appear most expedient to the managers; they re- 
* The order for additions made to the policies opened in the years marked * in 
the above table will become ¢pso facto vacated if the parties assured die within five 
years from their respective dates. 
+ The amount of these additions, in present value, is fully provided for out of the 
actual divisible surplus now ascertained, and therefore depends in no degree on any 
assumption of profits or surplus funds during the succeeding sepiennial period. 

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