Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Op Annual Premiums for Assuring the Sum of £100 for the whole Term of a Single 
EU" Vay, . . 25 . 
Life, without Participation. 
Ages.] Achilles. | Albion. Alfred, Argus. | Asylum. Britannia. ome 
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3113 27113-31137 3901 9 G1 9 30110 614112 7 
1s. 1 14 61114 01114 2081 9 84110 14111 2111346 
190011410115 0{115 14110 34110310111 9114 5 
17 3 20001 15 8.115 9.116 TAR] 11 2301 1) 9112 330115 5 
11017 9 21001 16 7101 16, GERI 17 1 | 111111112 7/113 1,116.5 
018 3 22001 17 6001 17.6001 13. 1001 12 SRN1 13 6i{ 113 90117. 5 
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Hi 3 24 119 7 | 119 0002 0 2001 14.3115 50115 3001 19.6 
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E31 38 21710{218 6 21811 210 4'213 6 211 5 217 5 
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A 40'3 1 4'3 2313 26 2139 2171 2151 3 011 
41.003 3 6003 4 3103 4.600215 8219 02 17 103 2.10 
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(IHD 4 3101 3106 31010 3 2 2 3 54 339 39 2 
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i. 46083 14 10003 15 003 15. 7 {3 7 293 10 3003 8 11003 14. 1 
Hr 47003 17 4003 17 60S 18 1 {#3 9.1103 12 1103 11: 9083 16. 8 
19 4 48 401 406 40 9131210(315 9 31410 319 6 
pod 9 4 210 4 36 43 71{31511'318 9 318 0 4 2.4 
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51.004 81000411: 00d 0 64 2 9084 5 504 5 00g 9-6 
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p12 53 41610 419 6 416 2 410 6 | 413 2 412100 4 18: 7 
§' 54005 110005 2.90419 941d 9/417 78417 188 0.0 
In 555 6105 6 35 3.6 419: 315 2 3/5 1 8 5 5 ¢ 
56005111105 10 0008 7 5005 4.005 7 4005 6 600510: 1 
pr 57 517 20514 00511 705 9 20512 998511 89514. 0 
) % 2 89518 30516: 0514 7155618. 5 | 517 I 518: 2 
59 | 6 8 576 2 976 0 8517 9106 4 50'6 21196 2:58 
601614 776 7 306 5 86 01096 10 9c 9 196 7.4 

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