Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

TABLE 11, 
Annual Premiums for Assuring the Sum of £100 for the Whole Term of a Single 
Life, without Participation. 
London | London London, | London 
ages] Life As- Cor- Edinburgh and West- Medical Metro- | Minerva. [ National, 
: sociation. « poration,  & Dublin. minster. Invalid. politan, 
B———— ——— a - = -— — . eet] esa —— | —— 
2.5 dL. 5. dBRL. Ss. dRL. 5s. ARE. Ss. dBRL. 5s. di Lf. s. diL. 5. d 
1601 10 8{117 101 Hs 4[1 10 SF .. 111 4/113 5/1 1011 
17181 11 ‘57118 1/1120 0) 111 4" 1121 0j 114 4{111 6 
1s8E1 12 21.119 o|112 9/112 olf .% 112 9(115 2/112 2 
19.112111'1 19 11/ 113 6 112 100 .. 118 7/116 0/1 12 10 
200113 782 0 9/114 4113 9 ® 114 51 1.186.10/1 13 7 
g1lb114 32 1 5/1152 114 8f1130 81115 2/117 8/114 5 
92081 14 112 2 of1 16F 11 1 15 scl] 1406N1 16 0 1 18 6|1 15 ;3 
23081 15 782 2 70117 1/116 351 15086081 16 9{ 119 4|1 16 '2 
94881 16 3(12°3 1/118 11117 of116")54117 6/2 0 3117 1 
25881 17 0(12 3 8,119 21118 0.117 55118 4.2.1 2/118 1} 
9681 17 9/2 4 342 © 3 119 off118 oK119 3/2. 2 2/119 1 
o7MT 13 712 5 182 1 502 0 ok119 'sM2 0 242 3 22 0 2 
SET 19 6/2 511/82 2 882 1 0]J2 1 off2 1 2m2 4 212 1 3 
29 2 0 5/2 6610/2 3 1 zg 2 of2 11112 2 12 5 32 2 5 
SoZ 1 5.2 710/82 41182 3 0,2 21182 3 Oi 6 32 3 8 
31 2 2 6/2 81002 6 112 4 02 4 0| 2 4 22 7 5/2 5 ¢ 
32082 3 siz 9112 7 3W2 5 ojd2 5 382 5 i382 8 7/2 6 4 
3302 411/82 11 1288 dle 6 3]. 2 6 582 6 162. 9 912 7 9 
34 2 6 2/212 3 2 91182 7 6.,2.7 982 7 5@211 G2 9 3 
35802 7 6/3213 8211 4]02 8 9j42 9 282 S102 12 4{210 9 
ssh 8 111.2 15 ; 2 12 1182 10 ,2{k2 10 8 210 3213 9/1212 5 
37502 10 5216 8/12 14 o6l2 11 i852 12.1212 11 jol2 15 2|2 4 1 
38082 12 of82 18 22 16 282 13 0ji2 13 "92 13'IsB2 16 7|2 15 11 
39 213 [2219111218 0/214 ‘8 215 3 214 982 18 21217 9 
40 215 5/3 1 8219 9/216 4/217 3/216 6 219 101219 8 
A217 303 3 effs 1 7213 oz 18110218 203. 1 713 1 9 
41208219 303 5 6[83.:3.4502 19 993 0 82 19 1083 3 6{3 3 11 
43003 1 4/3 7 SiE3 5W3W3 1 083 2 583 1 993 5 6]3 6 2 
44003 3 71310 OfF3 7 '3llz 3 95li3 .4 483 3 983 7 43 8 8 
45083 6 0] 312 683 9 5/3 5 93 6 5083 5 9%3 9 10i3 11 4 
46883 8 7(.315 283.11 10/83 8. jofi3 8 6l3 8 0312 .1{314 1 
478311 5/318 213 14 2083.10 1683 11 ofi3 10 43 14 8(317 © 
asi83 14 6{ 4 1 303 16 11] 313 8/313 6/ 312100317 4s 0 2 
asf 317 ol 4 410/319 1183 16 4316 6315 904 0 14 3 7 
504 1 2/4 8 5884 3 483191011319 98318 884 3 ola 7 2 
514 410 412 304 7 12 3 584 3 304 11084 6 oja11 1 
52. 4 8 8/416 1 411 0/4 61114 61014 5 2.4 9 1415 1 
530412 7050 1415 2410 100411 10a 8. i804 12 4]419 5 
54 | 416 8154 211419 5 415 0/415 4/412 3.415 9/5 311 
55005 1 0.5 8 4/5 4 7/'5 0 0,5 0 0/416 2419 4/5 8 8 
5615 5 6/512 8/5 9 9 5.7 05 5 0 5.0 685 3 0/5 13 10 
57% 510 3s 17 25 15 4/8512 35 10 5185 3 oW5 6.10519 3 
ssl5 15 286 1 1006 1 30517 5515 11{#5 10 0W5 11 '1{6 4 11 
59 | 6 0 4/6 6 10) 6 7 56 3 3/6 1 91515 0 515 6/610 10 
601 6 51086 12 2186 13 _9W6_ 9.3086 7 5/86 0 606 0 21617. 0 

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