Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Annual Premiums for Assuring the Sum of £100 for the Whole Term of a Single 
Life, without Participation. 
Agen. Protestant | Provident Royal | Scottish I" Union. | United | Victoria. and 
Dissenters. Naval, &c. Union. Kingdom. London. 
L.os.d] £.os.d] EL. a. dl EL. s.d.: Los. od) Bos. d! £. s.dL. 5 4d 
1601238" 121.601 12 3401 11 6011300110. .701 10 6". 
1740 34 sl 132 36k 14 2101 32 i501 142711 1 51111 2 .. 
1501 35 51:1 33 7alf1:15 7 1130601 155/112 .281 11 nny .. 
191115100124 72] 116 31 14:7/'1 264] 113 0 132 9 .. 
2000116 311417001 1611711548 1317-11 320/113 7h 13:9 
21 117 5/115 6/117 8 116 9 11710114 8 114 6/114 7 
220118 (0li146 181 28 95° 1 17 901 18 :711 15 '6li1 15 5]11 15 5 
23 149 :2[.117 Jol 1 19 i301 1810119 4/1 16 3 116 6/1 16 3 
240g ig 20/147 fal2 0 11 191002 0 M137 ‘abl a7 6117: 
2512 011/118 6/2 011/2 010/ 2 011/118 5 118 8/118 
262 42 3010 19 5312 i2 0/2 11.1002 31 dg] 3 10 i501 39 101 18 1) 
97009 43'30]2 0 12/2 03 ola 0 10] 2.92 i712 10 6921 {L199 
98 214 :3/ 2901112 14 0 2731002 35/2178 27 i5]2 og 
99 2 15 4/2 5711012 5 0,2 411 2 4°62 2:6]2 3i7i2 29 
30 2 6 712 23/2 6 012 6 51 2 55/2 31002 492 3 
31 2:79 9:3 7 2.97 4 97 93.9 gol a 5 ala 5 1{2 479 
32 2 9 02 4828828 5280262272254 
33092 10 (572 5 (71210 002 9 ‘ol2 io 500 v7 wo g G2 6g 
34 211 8 2 6 9/211 4 211 1210102 810/210 02 7 19 
35 21341 2 8 0/212/9 212 5 2125 210 4 211 7/2 99 
36 214 9 2 9 1/214 5 2131001214 0 21110 213 2/210 8 
37. 2.16.13, 210 3/215 ¢1 215 4 215 8 213 5 21411|212 o 
38 218 ol211 6/217 9 216111217 5 215 2 216 8/213 1g 
39 219 7213100219 6 218 6/219 3 217 2| 218 71215 ¢ 
40003 1 24214 508.1 "303 0 273 1 20219 103 0 6i217 3 
4103 3 53/50 45 ofl3 3 i613 1 11ll3 3 ova 4 igh 2 WBl2 19g 
42003 5 000 17 4ll3 5 03:3 93 5 373 3 4/8 4 4|{3 ely 
43001 47 w0/io 19 #03 8.0 3 is 83 7 58 5 wl 6 43 wag 
448 19 13/3 0 7/310 M3 7 83.9 93 71113 8 83 un 
43 312 3/3 2 sl312 8/3. 9 8312 2/310 6 310/83 709 
46 315 2/3 5 6/315 9 31110 314 71313 3| 312113 9 % 
47 317 11{3 893189 314 A! 817 31316 2 315 1131113 
48 4 01312 6/41 9 3116 6:42 0 0/319 2/317 434 8 
49 4 31131484 49 3719 0/4 3 214 2 6lia 0 4317 6 
50004 7 5al'337 old 7 984 1 5.4 8 24 8 ol4 3 8/4 ¢ 7 
51 410 19/1329 6/411 ‘6a 4 "34 0 41a 9 8a @ ald 310 
53 ' 414 ollie 2 '5]4 15 43 4.8 1/412 7413 ‘6ja10 34 7 9 
53 418 3/4 5 0/419 0 412 2/416 2;417 7/414 4410 9 
54 52 "34.7 8/5 92 9 416 5| 419 9/5 2 0/418 8/415 4 
55 5:06 6M 10 45 6 7/5 0115 2 95 6 85 3 Blals’ 
56 | 5 11 ol 417 2a mn 10 5 5 9/5 7 4] 51111 5 8 715 3 6 
57151510 5 4:8li517 21510 9/511 21517 8514 15 7 7 
p85]. 60 v6 511 99m ta e516 1515 3'6 3 lols 0 1512's 
5916 a 0 519 6lic 790/68 1 9510 BG 9 0 6 sl0j518 
601611 21% 7 di613 2/6 7106 4 2615 30611 Ble 31 

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