Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Annual Premiums for Assuring the Sum of £100 for the Whole Term of a Single 
Life, with Participation. 
hs British 
Ages. | Achilles. | Alfred. Alliance. | Amicable. Atlas. Australian. Com- | British 
| mercial. | Empire. 
- Es. dE 5 dE 5. ALE. 5 LBE. 5 ABE. 5 dBRL. 5 dL. 5. Jd, 
i 16481 16 ‘8/119 8113 6[l1 16 G[M1 19 81 7 2[¥1 19 81:13 .4 
N= j7®117 8/2 o sr 14 3/117 oz oIsff1 3 ofi2 0 8)1 14 2 
PY 1sif'1'18 8 2 1 | 115 1118 682 1 Jsff1 8: 8/2 1 8j1.15 1 
1g 190119 5 2 2 8/116 0[L119 6//2 2 8/1 9 6/2 2 8116 0 
20002 0 6.2 3: 71 161142 0 632 3 7110 312 3 zl1.16 1} 
(By : od? 1 4/2 4 6 T1712 1 6/2 4 6X1 11 1,2 4 s{1a7 10 
rs 22 2 2 3/2 5 af 118112 2 6/2 5 4112. 0/2 5 4/119 0 
had 232 3 3112 ¢ 382 o 2 3 682 6 31121132 6 3{1.1%3 11 
Hu 24 2 4 3/2 7 1 2 1 3 2 4 627 111310027 1210 
Li) oslo 5 21s si 12 2 612 5 6/02 8 1M1141102 8 12 2 0 
sh 26 2 6 229123 9/2 6 6/2 9 111511 2 9 1)2 3 3 
pd o7lla 7 11210 132 5 282 7 sfi210 18117 02 10 1{2 4 6 
ea oolllo 3 1211 12 6 782 5s 6fl211 14115 2M2 11 12 5.9 
SEX 29 2 9 2212 3 2 711 2 9 6/212 3 119 5 212 3/2 7 0 
93 3 9 Soll2 10 3{f2 13 502 o 28210 68213 582 0 78213 5|2 8 4 
ls 4 1 31 211 6/214 7/210 6,211 6/214 7.2 1 9/214 712 9 9 
5d 32 212 77215 9/ 211100212 6/215 9 2 211 215 9{211 1 
is 6 § 33l2 14 1.217 1{§2 13: 42 12 'ol§217 12 4 40217 1212 6 
be Th 34 215 7/218 5 21411/215 6/218 5 2 5 7/218 5214 0 
793 3 217 0/219 " 216 8 217 021910 2 7 0 219101215 7 
210g 3602-18 85:3 1 482158 s@2 18 63 1 482 8 75i3 1 4]2:17 :3 
IR g 3708s 0 503 2'10{s 0 43 o Of3 2108210 13 210(2:19 0 
3113 1p 38 3 2 2/3 46/3 24316 3462118346309 
TH 4 30003 310/83 6.2003 4 503 3 off3 6 29213 613 6 2|3:2 7 
B21 3 40083 5 7(83 71183 6 6l§3 5 ol3 711M215 33 7113 4.7 
510 9 41 3.7 839 9387/3 76/3909217 439 93639 
£300 42 3 910/311 8 310 9,310 0/311 8 219 4 311 83 9 0 
4311 2308s 12 1{83 13 s@3 121103 12 6F313 83 1 sM3 13 8/311 5 
§3 411 44 314 4/315 9 315 3 315 6/315 9/3 311/315 931311 
8379 45003 16 9/I3 17 1183 17 8/83 18 6/317 11183 6 6/83 17 11{3.16 6 
396 46 319 5/4 0 2/4 0541640 2309 3| 4 2 2319 4 
13 47 4 2 0/4 2 7/4 334504 2 7312214410425 
3H 8 48 4 410/14 5 1/4 6 6 4 9 0) 4 5 10315 104 7 34.5 6 
4317 6 49 4 7 7/4 7100410 2/412 6' 4 710/318 3 410 0/4 811 
3407 50 410 4/410 8 414 2/ 416 6/410 8/4 1 8 41211/412 4 
14 310 51 413 7/413 6/418 9/5 0 0 413 6/4 5 2/417 2/416 © 
34 73 520 417 1/1416 5{5 3 6/5 4 6/416 54 816{5 0 3/419 8 
L419 53005 1 50419 705 8 7105 8 6[f4a19 708412 605 3 6/5 3.5 
415 4 54 5 6 3/5 210/514 1/513 0/5 2101416 5/5 7 0/5 7 4 
418 9 55. 511 0/5 6 4519111518 0/5 6 4'5 0 5/510 9511 6 
fs 3 4 56 ' 515 11/510 1/.6 6 46 3 0/510 1/5 4 7/516 8/515 11 
1s 171 57 6 011514 0/613 2/6 8 6 514 0/5 81016 0106 ¢ 6 
ps 58 [6 6 1/518 2/7 0 5,614 0/518 2 513 6/6 5 26 5 4 
rf 91611 4/6 2 8/7 7 | 7 0 0/6 2 8| 518 6/ 6 10 0/6 10 6 
601617 116 7 4.71411) 7 6 6,6 7 416 3 9| 6141161511 
1 | 

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