Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

1158 TABLE IV. 
Annual Premiums required for the Assurance of £100 for the Whole Term of Life ; 
the Rate increasing, in each case, at the end of Five Years, Ten Years, Fifteen Angus 
Years, and again at the end of Twenty Years; after which Period a fixed Annual Ret 
Premium is payable during the Remainder of Life. ; 
Eagle. } 
A Annual Premium Agricul- = = TE 
8S: payable dwiing tural, Britannia. | pate. Eomnle. {Roene 
ec SEE - al Meta ae 
L.%. "dERL. 5. dBRL. 5, d | Ls. dist. s. dl 
{Pirst Syenrs © JBL 4 5H) 1 4m 12081 8 SEE] 60 
Second Syears .01 SIIEE1 5 10081 17 4081 11 8841.9 10 
20) ThidSyears .B1 12 7087 10 110082 0 9%] 14 S¥iT1 13 7 
Fourth5years. 116 8 116 9'2 4 9 118 4 117 10 
" RemamnderoflLife 2 110'2 3 8 2 9 4'2 110'2 211 
First years .B81.10 11381 6 4881 18 113001 14. 00f1 12 3 
Second 5years . 116 6 112 2 2 3 6 118 8 117 0 
30 ' Thirdoyemrs . 32 2 O10 19 1HE2 8S 1192 3W0ENI 9 10 
PourthS'years « JB2 3 1HE2 7 ANN2 153 39 7 7989 10 0 
+ Remainderof Life 216 6 217 6 3 3 2 213 7 218 3 
PirstSyears BE? 2 4BE1 16 1EE2 7 7082 2 432 0 11 
SeccondS5years . 2 9.1 2 4 4 21410 2 7 4 2.9 5 
40 Third dyears JBR2 13 SEZ 14 ‘GEEZ 5 788213 ;GEE3 0) 9 
Fourth 5 years, 3. 10 3083.7 3083 17. 10083 3 2083 12 8 
Remainderof Life 4 3 9 4 3 4 4 8 7 313 8 4 5 6 
First5years .. 3 3 2 216.7 3.6 4 212 0'219:0 
Second Dyers . 3 16 83 G 4904 3 8883 3 10083.16 7 
J Thirddyears 4 12 OBR4 584505 0 0BR3 19. 7984.16 3 
Fourthbyears . 05 17. 1095 6 "3005 17 000416 7 | 5:17 23 
Remainderof Life 6 1310 613 7:6 14 3 512 0! 616 1 
Ages. Annual Premium Family Naval and United 
payable during Endowment.] Freemasons. Promoter. Military Kingdom. 
Los. dL. 5. dL. 3s. d. WE. so dBRL. 5. d. 
First 5yenrs WA! ZLOSE 3 18E]1 4 3! 4 701 3 9 
Second 5 years +1 8. ONN1 7 11881 7 11081 8 6081 8 0 
ii) Third Syears Bl 14 (6381 12. 1008 1 17 4113 11 12 11 
Fourth 5 years . 2 0 3 | 117100 1 15:20 1-18 91 17 11 
+ Remainderof Life 2 3 012 2 799% 110 21L-'8 "2:9 9 
TirsiSyears . GE! 10 OWE 10 7H] 11 4881 12 08] 10 8 
oo Second 3 years. 117 601 17 2081.15 9117 160117 3 
30 Thirddyears » 2 5 0 2.3 8 119 8 22.4 5 2 310 
Fourth5years . 212 6 210 3 2 6 4 215 0 210 5 
Remainderof Life 2 17 8 217 0 218 4 3 8 5 217 0 
Fhstbyears .HE2 0 OEE? 4 10881 19 SEES 6 4EE) 4 11 
Second 5years. 210 0 212 8 2 6 4 21211 21210 
1) ThirdS years!» 3 0 003 (0° 82 17 60033 gg 0 10 
PourthSyears . 3 10 03 8 0315 783 15 S83 8 1} 
Remainderof Life 4 310 316 3 413 3 41511 3 16 10 
Pirst5years E310 003 13 50092 17 6083 15 140313 5 
Second Syearsia 3 18004 1° 50315 7084 | 404 1 9 
50 Third 5years « 4 8 0 410 0 417 2 41110 410 1 
FomthHyears. 5 0 0 418 4 519 5 5 4 6 418 5 
Remainderof Lifer 5 16 3 15 7 0 [37 1 117 CEZES 6 8 
The following Offices also adopt an Increasing Scale of Premium :— 
London, Edinburgh, and Dublin ; National Endowment; National Loan Fund; 
North British ; North of Scotland : Scottish Union.

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