Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 3 per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Fifty-Nine Years. 
Anges. D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 & 59 6554192. 48391878.2 23 & 82 382957.34 1445511.16 
1.. 60] 5231754.6 43160123.6 24.. 83 317244.04 1128267.12 
2... 61 4513558.8 38646564.8 25.. 84 259676.25 868590.87 
3.. 62' 3950982.9 34695581.9 26.. 85 210528.63 658062.24 
4... 63] 3552309.5 31143272.4 27.. 86 167327.85 490734,39 
Dee 64) 3221656 .8 97921615.6 28.. 87 130007.95 360726.44 
6.. 65' 2949958.7 24971656.9 29.. 88 98069.66 262656.78 
7.. 68; 2712630.3 99259026.6 30.. 89, 73552.70 189104.08 
8.. 67 2499507.7 19759518.9 3l.. 90] 55457 .63 133646 .45 
9.. 68 2303732.7  17455786.2 32.. 911 39406.67 94239.783 
10... 69) 2121902.2 15333884.0 «+ 33.. 92 27050.957 67188.826 
11.. 70 1950136.2 18383747.8 34.. 93° 18719.346 48469.480 
12.5 7 1786899.3 11596848.5 35.. 94, 13325.626 35143.854 
13.. 72! 1624594.7 9972253.8 36.. 95! 9603.598 25540.256 
14.. 73] 1462201.8 8510052.0 37.. 96 7072.881 18467.375 
15.. 74° 1301486.6 7208565.4 38.. 97 5315.739 13151.636 
16%, 75 1142527.5 6066037.9 39.. 98 3969.219 9182.417 
17.. 76, 996561.5 5069476.4 40.. 99 2991.876 6190.5412 
18.. 77 861906.9 4207569.5 41..100 2345.6924 3844,8488 
19.. 78 741703.3 3465866.2 42..101 1746 .8889 2097.9599 
20.. 79, 637238.7 2828627 .50, 43..102 1194.0233 903.9366 
2].. 80 541570.38 9287057.12i 44, .103 685.4050 218.5316 
922... 51 458588.62 1828468.50 
Difference of Age Sixty Years. 
Ages. D. N. Ages, D. N. 
0 00 6183376. 44292231.1 22 & 82 385654.68 1456994.42 
1.. 611 4909271.2 39382959.9 23.. 83 319494.37 1137500.05 
92... 62 4225281.,3 35157678.6 24.. 84 261531.40 875968.65 
3.. 63: 3692412.1 31465266.5 25.. 85 212079.83 663888.82 
4,. 64 3316927.1 98148339.4 26.. 86 168569.88 495318.94 
5. 65! 3003425.6 25144913.8 27... 87 131025.75 364293,19 
6.. 66) 2746363.4 22398550.4 28.. 88 98930.23 265362.96 
7.. 67 2521688.2 ' 19876862.2 29.. 89 74282,75 191080.21 
8.. 68 2318989.3 17557872.9 - 30.. 90 56023.62 135056.59 
9,. 69 2132741.6 15425131.3 31,. 91% 39813.00 95243.589 
10.. 70] 1958930.1 13466201.2 32.. 92] 27327.795 67915.794 
11.. 71] 1795554.6 11670646.6 33.. 93 18909.407 49006.387 
12., 721 1632758.5 10037888.1 34.. 94 13462.313 35544 .074 
13.5% 73) 1469818.6 8568069.5 35.. 95 9703.126 25840.948 
14... 740 1308717 .1 7950352.4 35.. 96 7148.309 18692.639 
15.. 75' 1149644.4 6109708.0 | 37.. 97] 5374.075 13318.564 
18.. 76 1003291.7 5106416.3 | 38.. 98, 4014.042 9304 .522 
17.. 77 867908.0 4238508.3 | 39.. 99 3027.837 6276.6850 
18.. 78 746903.5 3491604.8 | 40..100 2376.6000 3900.0850 
19.. 79 641738.2 2849866.6 | 41,.101 1771.2888 2128.7962 
20... 80 545421.47 iil 42..102 1211.4347 917.3615 
21.. 81 461796.06 1842649,101 43..103 695.5476 221.8139 

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