Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Prep.ratory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 3% per Cent.) 
Difference 0. 
Co 1Common 
rg D. N. D. N. 
LH 0 160000000.0 962899115.7 | 52  3056167.8 29986498. 1 
Sn . 1 69167652.6 $93731463. 1 53  2863729.3 | 71227688 
063 3, 56489384.5 837242078.6 54 2678249.1 24444519.7 
ey 3 47722758.7 789519319.9 55  2500976.3 21943543.4 
U3 ¢  42576272.3 746843047.6° 56  2330560.6 | 19612982.8 
0.44 38898494.3 707944553.3 | 57 2166995.8 17445957.0 
836.78 rt 36256890.5 671657662. | 58  2007125.0 | 16438862.0 
104.08 © 34175544.0 637512118.5 59  1846504.0 13592358.0 
00.45 u 32441527.3 605070591.5 60 1684602.2 11907755.8 
3.783 9  30933399.9 574137191.6 61  1520445.0 10387310.¢ 
133,82 10 29584316.2 544552875.4 62 1365770.8 9021540.0 
3463.4) 11 28327821.0 516:25054.4 63 1222705.9 7798834. | 
al43.854 12 27106643.9 489118410.5 64 1092713.6 6706120.5 
3340356 13 25923748.8 463189661.7 65 973454.6 5732665.9 
E735 14  24792957.7 438396704.0 66 864836.3 4867829 ,6 
3131.63 15 23690588,8 414706115.2 67 766072.1 4101757.5 
82.417 16 © 22606941.4 392099173.8 68 675915.0 3425842.5 
190.5412 17 21550391.8 370548782.0 69 593797.7 2832044.8 
S44, $4 18  20534696.0 350014086.0 | 70 518752.1 9313292.7 
097,95 19 19564974.3 330449111.7 71 450776.4 1862516. 3 
go 20 18639213.5 311809893,2 72 385779.4 1476735.9 
18.3 21 17755487.0 <94054411.2 73 323676.1 i 1153060,8 
29 16917553.4 277136827.8 74 265779.5 | 887281.3 
23 16117644.4 261019183.4 75  212570.6 674710.7 
24 15354006.6 245665176,8{ 76 168019.0 506691,7 
25 | 14625077.4 231040099.4 | 77  130626.6 376065.1 
26 | 13924559.6 217115539.8 78 100548.2 275516.9 
27  13256156.1 203859383.7 79 77154.8 193362.080 
» 238 | 12609570.0 191249713.7 1 80 ' 57937.240 140424 .840 
ye 29 1 11972221.2 179277492.5 81 43179.997 97244.843 
7500. 30 | 11341112.8 167936379.7 | s2 31301.658 65943.185 
15968, 31 10737310.5 157199069.2 83 22331.972 43611.213 
3688.8" 32 10163537.1 147035532.1 84 15556.859 28054.354 
3318.9 33 9621895.3 137413636.8 85 10636.293 17418.061 
[9 34 ' 9110574.7 128303062.1 sé 6989.757 10428.304 
15362,96 35 86246:7.8 119678414.3 87 4393.119 6035.185 
1080.21 36 8162920.9 111515493.4 ~~ 88 2607.504 3427 .681 
15036.39 37 7721311.8 103794181.6 89 ' 1533.437 1894.244 
4.540 38 7299121.4 96495060.2 90 911.896 982.348 
15.704 39 6895668.6 89599391.6 91 481.734 500.61450 
006,387 40 | 6505161.8 83094229.8 92 237.47085 263.14365 
544,074 4 6122766.9 76971462.9 93 118,94192 144.20173 
840,948 42 57563858.7 71217604.2 94 63.05610 81.14563 
2.639 43 5400631.0 65816973.2 95 34.26962 46.87601 
iia} 44 5066932.1 60750041.1 96 19.46176 27.41425 
04,529 45 4751770.5 55998270.6 97 11.51678 15.89747 
75,6850 4F 4156114.9 61542155.7 98 6.73134 9.16613 
00.1550 47 4178788.3 47333367.4 99 4.01504 5,1510879 
198.7962 4- 3920416.7 13442950.7 100 2.5968689: 2.5542190 
Ey it 49 3683010,7 39759940.0 101 1.5178216 1.0363974 
17.3619 50 3461747.6 36298192.4 102 .7482115 - 2881859 
1.8139 51 3255526,5 33042665.9 | 103 +2602474 .0279385 

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