Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Join! Lives. 
(Carlisle 3} per Cent.) 
Difference of Age One Year. 
Ages. | D. N. Ages. D N. A 
p& Jlai7aroz. Wo11600001.1)52 & 5312907933. 1NNNs026227. LIE 08 
1.. 2]61441918.3 850159072.8} 53... 5d 2722207.8 125304019.3 L. 
9.. 351035928.0 799123144.8| 54.. 55 2543959.0 22760060.3 2% 
3.. HLlg.1 754763727.1} 55.. 56 2373093.3 20386967 .0 
4.. 5|40048795.5 714714931.6) 56.. 57 2208966.1 '18178000.9 i. 
5.. 6]36914033.0 677800898.6| 57.. 58 2049963.2 116128037.7 Joo 
6.. 7|34600535.5 643200363.1| 58.. 59 1892309.5 114235728.2 by: 
7.. 8(32729411.0 610470952.1' 59.. 60 1733619.0 112502109.2 I 
8.. 9/31138256.9 579332695.2° 60.. 61 1573127.3 110928981 .9 8,8 
9..10|29735443.5 549597251.7. 61.. 62 1416459.4 I 9512522.5 g,.11 
10..11|28455562.7 521141689.0; 62.. 63 1270222.4 | 8242300.1 10,12 
11..12|27237941.7 493903747.3| 63.. 64 1136171.8 . 7106128.3 11,.1 
12..13|26059044.0 467844703.3} 64.. 65 1013773.5 6092354.8 13.4 
13..14/24922108.1 442922595.2| 65.. 66 901892.3 5190462.5 13... 
14..15123822203.2 419100392.0} 66.. 67. 800076.7 4390385.8 14,1 
15..16|22747760.9 396352631.11 67.. 68 707311.6 © 3683074.2 13.17 
16..17121695932.3 374656698.8 68.. 69 622723.4 ' 3060350.8 1.18 
17..18120677667.6 353979031.2| 69.. 70 545543.1 2514807.7 17,1 
18..19 19702149.3 334276881.9] 70,. 71  475324.7 2039483.0 15.30 
19. .20118770820.5 315506061.4} 71.. 72 409902.0 | 1629581.0 18.4 
20..21]17881745.6 297624315.8} 72.. 73. 347339.8 1282241.2 9.2 
21..22(17035907.9 280588407.9{ 73.. 74  288300.8 993940.4 6.3 
29..2316231168.0 204357239.9| 74., 75  233637.4 760303.0 2.4 
23..24 154629187 248594321.2} 75., 76 185763.6 574539.4 2,5 
24, .2514729560.0 234164761.2] 76., 77: 145621.4 428918.0 4,2 
25. 208801 0-0 220137604.71 77.. 78, 112650.4 316267.6 J 
26..27|13354553.4 206783051.3] 78,. 79,  86576.2 229691 .4 % 
27..98]12708388.8 194074662.5 79.. 80] 65718.94 163972.437 7.8 
98..29/12077277.7 181997384.8 80.. 81|  49164.322 114808.115 3% 
29. .30]11453679.8 :170543705.0} 81, 82| 36137.224 78670.891 ¥, 3 
30..31 10846894.5 1159696810.5, 82,, 83]  25988.250 52682.641 02 
31..32'10268334.9 " a9azsa7s ol 83.. 84  18321.216 34361.425 13 
32..33 9720364.9 139708110.71 84,, 85, 12644.043 21717.382 x 
33..34 9203076.4 130505034.3 85.. 86 8475.318 13242.064 0% 
34..35 8713114.1 121791920.2 86., 87|  5446.873 7795.191 uy 
35..36| 8247518.7 113544401.5| 87., 88 3326.816 4468.375 2% 1 
36..37| 7803656.8 105740744.7{ 88.. 89 1965.511 2502.864 % ® 
37..38 7379223.4 98361521.3, 89.. 90 1162.346 1340.518 n 
38..39. 6973540.2 91387981.1} 90,. 91 651.487 689.03077 Rg 
39..40] 6583352.1 84804629.0f 91.. 92 332.4592 356.57157 4 
40..41 6203442.2 78601186.8[ 92,, 93 165.19711 191.37446 pg 
41..42, 5834226.5 72766960.3 93,. 94 85.12573 106.24873 a 
42..43' 5479383.4 67287576.91 94,. 95 45.69282 60.55591 et 
43..44 5141911.9 62145665.0° 95,, 96 25.38490 35.17101 My 
44..45 4823142.5 57322522.51 96.. 97 14.71588 20.45513 oa 
45..46] 4523095.4 ok 97.. 98 8.65458 11.80055 LL 
46..47' 4241634.1 48557793.0] 98,, 99 5.11006 6.690493 3-4 
47..48) 3978516.3 44579276.7 99..100 3.173951 3.5165423 fea 
48..49 3735038.6 40844218.1 100..101 1.9514849 1.5650574 3 
49..50 3509773.0 37334445.1 101..102 1.0474961 5175613 ' 
50..51, 3299804.0 34034641.14102..103 .4337457 .0838156 3 
51..52) 3100480.9 30934160.2 hd 

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