Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

E Doe 
: —— 
vs Ph ,. 8 Ee nd 
Page 7, line 3 from bottom, for N/E sah & —i) read Ve nt (2-1) 
a TTT 
3, 9 5 8 3 read nel 
a a 
12, 4 5 logarithm the, read logarithm of the. 
17, 14 +3 5 per cent, read 4 per cent. 
i 20, 13 trom top, r(1 #2) read p ( + =)" 
.m m 
29, 2 logarithm of £1, read logarithm of the amount of £1. 
i - 23, 22 ‘ { 3 ¥ read (£)* 
1008 we p P 
mw 32, 6 from bottom, Art. 44, read Axt. 45, 
ann 37, 5 from top, ditto ditto. 
al ot : '$ 2 read A 
if m wm! 
4 10 3 ™. read J 
m m 
mn 13, 4 from bottom, 2 read 2 
m wm! 
47, 5 pe n=10 read d=10. 
I -1 
58, 2 3) dele m =-52 mE 
} 1 =) 
: n log ( + = 
es log s—log p 
Os 59, 12 fiom top, dele m =—— —=— 
: 1 
rant n.log ( 1 =) 
wd vei —, 6 from bottom, 8 = (=)="! read pp = ( =) ~-1 
i: an an 
ale years 
e yo 109, 9 from top, Art. 33, read Art. 35. 
vee 111, : 2] 55 log 1,4, read —log ls i 
ie 1 HN, 9 Lnts(1 #9)=% read lpyo(1 +3)~ 
toh, WAKE ry - ° (1 +8) read I, (1 +3)—(2—m") 
ee oe ry 012 3 Im +3(1 +2) = (+3) read by 43(1 + )7—(" +9) 
no ear —, 19 9 Carlisle 3 per cent read Carlisle 4 per cent. 
LL 121, 6 from bottom, 7, .q read bpp. 
: 1923, © 12 "3 oldest read older. 
124, 18 from top male aged 85 and female aged 90 read male aged 90 
and female aged 85. 
— 21 00760049 read 00760449,

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