Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

127, line 8 from top, for Up, read ap 
129, 9 from bottom, Chester 3 read Carlisle 4. 
138, 11 a Art. 142 read Axt. 143. 
(66 26) e626 
142, 13 from top, vend MD 
P2e.7 P26.7 
148, 6 from top, Ryr2 > bendy rod ars hady, 
hy «ly ha « by 
151, 4 59 Pouch mlm” pea EO mh, Son 
Pn—-1, my—1 my—1),1 Pn—1, my—1, ma—1, &c.),1 
153, ‘16 a formula read formule. 
177, 6 from top, — (Num, m; Num, m,;) read —(Nm, m; * Nm, my—1) 
178, 9 from bottom, 1.7036766 read 17036766 
190, bottom line, 7 = = read p = = . 
192, 11 from bottom, Art. 188 read Art. 191. ni 
195, Insert in Example M,; = 528.2345 w 
114.2147 a 
“414.0198 7 a 
; 1, = a. &e.} bk 
196, 18 from top, jor Mo mp(Buc, Be read PennNet $ , 
199, 4 t read m+n 
202, 14 3 n read m +n 
bnin bony +n : i bntn . myn Ww 
21 1, 13 ’3 —— —— lina, mtn ead 7" ———————Qm+tn, mtn 
i buy nvm, ~ 
217, 5 os ditto ditto. . 
218, 8 from bottom, t—1 read £1. 
220, 7 from top, #. Nut read 2. Mppn 
221, 18 5 Table 21 read Table 19. - 
222, 13 from bottom, 26 read 36. 
223, 7 i 4395 read 4397. v 
224, 4 from top, to continue read deferred. 
225, 7 5 Table 21 read Table 19. 0 
229, top line, after B and P add and of A and B—correct example accordingly. 5 
233, 18 from top, «703351 read .703371, and correct the remainder k 
of the example. 
234, 27 ia 58.43 read 38.42. we 
243, Column N, age 91, for 3.4846 read 3.4646. ow 
1113. 5 from bottom, three 7ead nine. be 

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