Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

The probability of the obverse once and the reverse once in any order is 
1, because the second and third cases favour the production of this event; 
and the probability of the obverse arising at least once is #, because the 
first, second, and third cases are favourable to this event. 
Ex. 2. Again, suppose of two bags one contains 5 white balls and 2 black, 
and the other 7 white balls and 3 black. The number of cases possible in 
one drawing from each bag is (542) X (7-3) or 7 x 10, because every 
ball in one bag may combine with every ball in the other, which cases, if we 
are ignorant of any cause favouring the appearance of a white rather than a 
black ball, are all similarly circumstanced. 
The number of cases which favour the drawing a white ball from both is 
5 x 17, for every one of the 5 white balls in one bag may combine with every 
one of the 7 white balls in the other. For a similar reason, the number of 
cases which favour the drawing a white ball from the first bag and a black 
ball from the second, is 5 X 3; a black ball from the first bag and a white 
ball from the second, is 7 xX 2; and a black ball from both is 3 x2. There- 
Puy bs the probability of drawin hite ball from both 
rt mre £2 ee } abili ing a whi r . 
GCIFHEFH ar y Hild 
N DXB ms {a whiteball from the firstand 
C+D 1a | ablack ball from the second. 
id 7x2 ad (a black ball from the first and 
G+-Ha +3 5° 0° co | awhite ball from the second. 
3x2 3 
Erm ° e . » . 1 kb 11 from both. 
GLH G+ 35 a black ball fr 
The probability of drawing one white ball, without reference to the bag 
from which it comes, is 
h3+2x7 29 
G+2)x T+3) 10 
for both the second and third cases favour the production of this event. 
The probability of drawing at least one white ball is 
BX74+5xXx3+2x%x7 32 
G+ x13. . 35 
for the first, second, and third cases favour the production of this event. 
Let the number of white and black balls in each bag be the same, say 5 
white and 2 black, then the probability of drawing 
: 5x5 25 
a white ball.fiomboth . ,.T 0 a nT “B12 x (512) 49 
Tn Ba 
a white ball from the firstand a black ball from the secon = 512) (012) 19 
a black ball from the first and a white ball from th d ax 1 
standa ¢ = 
white ball from the secon G12) G12) 19 
a black ball from both . »..= HEE > |, 00 sa Bl = 4 . 
G+2) (B+2) 49 
Ex. 3. Two dice are thrown; required the probability that the sum of the 
numbers on the sides which fall uppermost, or the throw, is any given num- 
ber, say 7.

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