grals, Bayes’s theorem is in substance, that if @ and A be any two fract.ons
between 0 and 1, the probability that the happening of an event which depends
on unknown causes, but which has been already observed to happen p times
exactly in p + ¢g experiments, has a degree of probability not greater than a,
, 2.(l—a).dx
and not less than A, will be equal to Jol ds the integral in the
numerator being taken between the limits @ and A, and in the denomination
between 0 and I. This theorem rests on the more elementary one, that
the probability of the existence of a supposed cause of any observed event
1s proportional to the probability of the event, derived from the sup-
position of that cause being known to be true. The rest of the paper
is taken up with different methods of approximating to the values of this in.
tegral within required limits, with which we need not here occupy ourselves.
Bayes, or perhaps we should rather say Price, seems to have confounded the
probability thus determined, with the probability that an event which has :
been already observed m times in P + q experiments, will happen again,
The difference between the two is obvious; and the reader has already seen
the process for determining the latter. ad
81. The celebrated question, known as the Petersburg Problem, has been gi
already mentioned: this name was given, on account of its having been fa
proposed by Daniel Bernoulli in the Petersburg Transactions; much i
of the discussion it occasioned might have been spared if the real meaning ol
of the results of the calculations of probability had been kept steadily in view, pet
The difficulty of that question was supposed to consist in this, that no per- TU
son could be supposed willing to pay the amount which the condition of the Wil
game pointed out as equal to his expectation, which after all amounts to no liey
more than saying, that a game can be contrived of too ruinous a nature for be
the taste even of the most inveterate gamester. It has been well remarked tria
by Bufion, that the science of probabilities never professed to make the con- judg
dition of a gambler the same as if he did not play; it only indicates the events post
of which we have most reason to expect the recurrence. Condorcet took ofte
away everything appearing paradoxical from the result, by an observation he poit
made in a memoir on this subject in 1784. «It may often happen,” says why
he. “that a reasonable man A will refuse to give B a sum b for the chance and
n of gaining a, although @ be greater than z ; and the reason may be, because hare
A has not the opportunity of repeating the venture often enough to repair Weir
the loss which may accrue to him in a single trial, and because the sum ven- ding
tured may be so great that its loss would occasion him an inconvenience, Ten:
not at all counterbalanced by the advantages he could derive from his con- int
tingent gain.”* These are motives for inducing A to refrain from ventur- head
ing, but cannot be made elements of the calculation as between him and a ther
speculator B on the opposite event. No underwriter diminishes, or ought to and
diminish, his premium, on account of the small fortune of the party whose thro
indemnity he guarantees. rst
82. There have been, however, some writers of great celebrity, who have of the
taken an opposite view of this question ; and although there can be no doubt inste;
of the fallacy of their reasonings, a notice of them must not be omitted in an bert’
historical account. D’Alembert instanced this Petershurg problem as tend- of {|
ing to throw doubt on the universally admitted rule, that in every game the Doss
ar = : er Urea
* Histoire de PAcadémie Royale, 1784