Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

_ TABLE IT.—TABLE of MoRTALITY formed from the Obsetvations of Dr. Haygarth at Cies= 
- TER, corrected for the increase of Population during the Century previous to the Observa- 
tions upon the supposition that the Births increased yearly in a zeometrical progression of 
| which the common ratio was 1.005 
Age.) — —— — — — — | Age. — 
Living. | Deaths. | Living. | Deaths. | Living. | Deaths. | Living. | Deaths. 
0 | 10000 1778 | 10000 |.1851 | b0 367H 92 | 4302 + 77 
TRY 5222 739 8649 670 hl 3583 93 | 42259 72 
2 1037483 445 7979 474 | 52 | 3490 94.| 41537, 73 
3 7035 AE 1283 7505 291 53 3390 94 | 4080 73 
4 B75b 149 7214 203 b4 HR 3302 89 | 4007 73 
D 6606 133 7011 118 55 3213 84 | 3934 69 
6 6473 108 6893 73 56 | 3129 84 | 3865 69 | 
/ 6365 84 6820 47 57 | 3045 85 | 3796 70 
3 6281 56 © 6773 40 58 | 2960 85 3726 80 
9 6266 42 6733 32 hY | 2875H 97 3646 80 
10 6184 35 6701 28 60 2778 | 113 3566 | 105 
Ll 6149 30 6673 29 61 2665 | 131 3461 130 
12 6119 30 6644 | 338% 6282534 [131 3331 || 131 
13 6089 35 6611 | 339. 632403 | 131 23200 132 | 
14 6054 34 6578 37 MAGA ER2272 { 12] | 3068 112 
1A 6020 40 6541 41 65 2151 | 100 ! 2956 93 
16 5950 48 6500 45 66 2051 83 2563 | 83 
W7 5932 H3 6455 49 67 1968 72 2780 | 83 
18 5879 57 6406 54 68 1896 | 72 2697 89 : 
19 H822 b7 6352 50 69 1824 84 2608 110 
20 5765 bs . 6302 46 70 , 1740 | 102 2498 136 
21 | 5707 59 | 6256 46 71 | Loss 137 2362 : 163 
22 5648 63 6210 | 46 ma E1501 | 137 | 2199 164 
23 558H 63 6164 51 73 £1364 4. 1320203508 165 
24 5522 63 6113 b5 | 74 (.123281 11608. 1370 IE 150 
25 5459 69 6058 72 75.1-1116 98 1720 129 
26 5390 69 5986 72 76 | 1018 81 1591 ! 124 
27 | 5321 69 5914 T3NTY 937 76 1467 120 
28 5252 64 5841 73 498 861 76 1347 120 
29 5188 61 5768 73 79 785 Z0NF 12270 121 
30 5127 56 5695 61 : 80 715 71 T1106 12.121 
31 5071 51 5634 61 81 © 644 71 985 | 122 
32 5020 57 5573 62 82 b73 65 863 0123 
33 4963 57 5511] 62 83 508 59 740 123°" 
34 | 4906 57 | 5449 62 84 449 54 617 107 | 
25 4849 62 5387 67 8b 395 47 510 74 
36 4787 62 5320 67 86 348 | 42 436 52 
37 4725 68 5253 67 87 = 306 35 384 41 
38 4657 68 5186 68 88 271 36 343 30 
39" 4589 73 5118 73 89 235 30 313 30° 
40 4516 73 5045 73 90 205 29 | 283 31 
41 4443 79 4972 73 91 176 | 30 252 31 
42 4364 79 4899 73 B92 146 300% £22 31 | 
43 4285 84 4826 69 | 93 116 24 190 32 
44 © 4201 85 4757 74 | 94 92 £1 158 32! 
45" 41.16 85 4683 75 [R95 68 } 126 | 26 } 
46 4031 86 4608 75 | 96 bl 100 |, 26° 
17 ' 3945 86 4533 75 97 44 74 | 14 
48 - 3859 92 4458 S0 98 a7 60 8 
49 1 . 37@R7 02 A378 7A 00 2() 7 BY. 8

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