Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

TABLE IV.—SiN¢LE PREMIUM required to secure the payment of 1l, at the end of the 
year in which the life shall fail. 
Age. | 3 per cent. 4 per cent. 5 per cent. | Age. 
m | Males. | Females. Males, Females. ~~ Males. Females. | m 
0 *50361 45482 *44821 | * 39860 *41097 | "36179 0 
1 ‘41464 * 38543 *35070 -32310 + 30858 *28302 | 1 
2 *37050 * 34636 *30198 ~28027 »33725 » 23815 2 
3 + 34252 *31612 *27069 *24673 *22396 *20270 3 
4 * 32568 *29840 *25149 *22661 > 20311 +18108 4 
p) *32046 *28730 *24482 *21355 *19553 -16668 2 
5 *31631 | 28387 *23930 | *20877 + 18898 i -16089 6 
7! -31436 "28481 *23612 *20874 *18482 | +16004 7 
8 ‘31475 *28845 *23548 *21166 *18329 * 16227 8 
9 ' 31822 *29293 -23823 *21549 *18531 *16545 9 
10 »32320 29838 *24265 *22041 <18911 *16978 ' 10 
11 *32910 *30442 *24810 +22599 *19400 *174820 11 
12 *33573 *31056 "25438 . 23169 *19980 *18000° 12 
13 1 -34258  +31648 -26093 © 23717 -20590 -18495 13 | 
14 | *34911 * 32259 "26716 +24288 *21166 19016 14 
15 | * 35597 *32850 "27377  -24836 21785 *19514 © 15 
16 ' -36241 -33418  -27003 -25362 -29330 10988 ! 16 
17 * 36822 *33963 *28540 *25863 *2285H8 20436 | 17 
18 *37367 *34485 *29047 *26338 23315 “203578 13 | 
19 ‘37885 *34971 *29526 ‘26775 “2374 *21236 19 
20 ' -38419 *358513 *30022 97273 ‘24186 21682 20 
21 #38957 *36112 *30523 *27838 +24638 22198 21 
29 | *39501 36730 "31032 *28425 + 25095 “22740032 | 
23 | 40017 + 37368 *31509 *29036 “25519 23308 23: 
24 40546 37975 * 32002 *29615 + 25960 23844! 24 
25 "41091 * 38562 *32512 *30172 *26418 "24355 25 
26 “41585 ° 38994 *32965 30553 *26814 124678 | 26 
27 +42092 -39435 *33432 30945 ' -27223 *25010 ° 27 
28 “42610 * 39876 *33912 *231335 “27646 ‘25339 28° 
29 ' -43196 +40327 *34470 *31735 “28153 256770 29 
30 +43832 “40787 *35085 *32145 *2S7292 *26024 30 i 
31 | -4454] *41383 ‘85788 *32710 20387 ‘26539 31 bh 
32 ' 45327 *41996 "36581 + 33297 *30154 *27070 32 i 
33 *46075 42618 *37333 * 33893 30877 ‘27625 83 
34 | -46846 “43258 ‘38115 *34512 *31636 ‘28198 34 
35 | -47643 ~43917 *38931 *35155H *32432 *28798 3H 
36 | *48413 “44545 *S0717 ‘35762 + 33200 "20360 36 
37 +49208 *45191 *40535 * 36392 *34005 *20045 37 
38 *49964 *45856 ‘41312 + 37044 + 34767 ‘30557 38 
39 *50744 *46531 <42120 37709 * 35564 ‘31182 39 
40 | "51494 47174 © 42896 + 38338 +36330 *31768 | 40 
41 * 52267 *47834 *43702 - 38989 *37130 ‘32378 | 41 * 
42 | -53000 "48513 *44462 *39662 87881 | -33013 ' 42 
43 ' *58753 *49211 *45250 *40360 + 38665 "33676 ! 43 
44 *54473 *49973 *46001 =41133 *39411 34422 44 
45 *55200 *50705 46764 ' 41874 ~40171 "35134 45 
45 + 55947 *51449 “47552 42630 *40960 ‘35863 46 
47 * 56701 *532214 *48352 *43414 41766 *36625 + 47 
48 57475 *53003 “49178 “44228 42603 *37421 | 48 
49 *58203 *53763 +49952 *45010 *43383 ‘38182 | 49

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