Full text: On the value of annuities and reversionary payments, with numerous tables (Volume 2)

Preparatory Table for finding the Values of Annuities, &c. on Two Joint Lives. 
(Carlisle 3% per Cent.) 
Difference of Age Nineteen Years. 
w=) i 
Ages. | D. N. Ages. D. N. 
0 &19| 31901149. 402918560.6 45 & 64 1643416.3 12963471.1 
1..20! 25895958.3 377022602.3 46.. 65 1502113.6 111461357 .5 
2..91' 22841067.2 354181535.1 47.. 66 1371067.5 16090290.0 
3..99! 20492673.0 333685862.1 48.. 67 1249878.0 ' 8840412.0 
4..231 18915189.6 314773672.5 49.. 68 1137926.5 7702485.5 
5..94' 17625600.9 297148071.6 50.. 69 1034031.3 6668454.2 
6..25 16607759.3 280540312.3 51.. 70 937253.8 5731200.4 
7..96' 15733129.8 264807182.5 52.. 71 &46517.3 4884683. 1 
§..97 14956367.6 249850814.9 | 53.. 72 758057.6 4126625.5 
9..28 14244013.1 235606801.8 | 54.., 73° 671502.1 3455123 .4 
10..29, 13573280.1 222033521.7 55.. 74 588006.8 2867116.6 
11..30, 12927099.7 209106422.0 | 56.. 75 507631.5 2359485.1 
12..31| 12304169.6 196802252.4 ' 57.. 76 435186.1 1924299.0 
13..32 11707924.1 185094328.3 58.. 77 369291.9 1555007 .1 
14..33 11139383.5 173954944.8 59.. 78 310762.7 12442444 
15..34' 10595647.2 163359297.6 | 60.. 79, 266014.3 984230.14 
16..35: 10070667.8 1532886:9.8 61.. 80) 214057.73 770172.41 
17..36 9565706.5 143722923.3 62.. 81! 175144.68 595027 .73 
18..37. 9081474.4 134641448.9 63.. 82 141094,92 453932.81 
19..38 8618697.0 126022751.9 - 64.. 83 112663.55 341269.26 
20..39{ 8176522.9 '117846229.0 ' 65.. 84! 88753.49 252515.77 
921..40{ 7751076.6 110095152.4 66.. 85 69171.74 183344.03 
22. .41 7340230.6 102754921.8 67.. 86 52775 .53 130568.50 
93..49 6945396.7 95809525.1 68.. 87, 39300.60 91267.90 
24. .43| 6567495.7 89242029.4 69.. 88 28379 .09 62888.81 
25..44 6208323.3 83033506.1 , 70.. 89 20341.34 42547 .47 
26..45 5866581.9 77166924.2 + 71.. 90 14622.44 27925403 
27..46, 5543112.3 71623811.9 | 72.. 91 9831.94 18093.088 
23..47 5235326.0 66388485.9 | 73.5 92 6323.057 11770.031 
29..48 4941060.4 61447425.5 | 74.. 93] 4056 .038 7714.993 
30..49, 4661181.4 56786244.1 ! 75.. 94. 2640.473 5074.520 
31..50] 4397057 .4 52389186.7 76.. 95 1730.616 3343.904 
32..51, 4148582.5 48240604,2 ' 77.. H 1149.935 2193.969 
33..52| 3910980.0 44329624.2 78.. 97 776,102 1417 .867 
34..53 3683880.7 40645743.5 79.. 98 519.756 898.1110 
35..564 3466273.7 37179469.8 80.. 99! 347.8491 550.26185 
36..55, 3258699.1 33920770.7 81..100 241,50881 308.75304 
37..56) 3059443.4 30861327.3 82..101 157.20295 151.55009 
38..57| 2868342:5 27992984.8 83..102 93.22716 58.32293 
39. .58] 2683132.3 25309852.5 84..103 45.89029 12.43264 
40..59] 2499602.0 29810250.5 
41..60, 23i6270.3 20493980.2 
42..61, 2133200.2 18360780.0 
43..62 1958744.7 16402035.3 
44,.63! 1795147.9 14606887.4

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