Full text: Nouvelles Tables trigonométriques calculées pour la division décimale du quart de cercle

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Arc. }- Sinus. | D.| Cofinus. | Tang. | D.| Cotang. | Diff. | Are 
D,O1o0o] 0,0157073| | |o, 9998766| O,O157093| — |63,6567412} [0,990 
72$0|157} 5931375 [636037 |0, 98995 
7407|157| … 5296609 |654766 998 
7364 (157 4663103 {633501 997 
7721 {157 4030868 632240 996 
7878|157t_3399837|630981 = 995 
8035|157} 2770160 629727 994 
$8192|157|  \2141634|628476| 99 
8350|158 1514455 1627229 992 
8507|157| _ 02888469'625986 991 
8664|157|63, 0263722 624747 |; 98990 
8821 |1$7{63,9640211[62351X 985 
8978|157|  9017932|622279 98£ 
9135{157|. 8396882|621050k 97 
9292 {1571 | 77170$6|619826 936 
9449|157} _7158452|618604 983 
27 9606|157 6541066 [617386 984 
24 9764 |158| 5924393 |616173 983. 
22} O,0159921|157|  $309951|614962 982 
I9| O,0160078|157 4696176{613755 981 
16 0235{157 4083624|612552 O; 98920 
14 0392|157{  3472272[611952 975 
11 0$49|157 2863116 |6101$6 978 
09 0706 |157 2253153 |608963 STI 
06 0863/1574  1645379/607774 97 
04} o,or61021 | 153 1038791 |606588 975 
1178 157162, 0433385 | 605406 974 
1335/1$7,61, 9829159| 604226 973 
1492|157 9226107 603052 972 
1649|157 8624228 601879 971 
IBO6|157 8023517 | 600711 |, 98970 
19631157} 7425972|599545 969 
2120|157 6825588 598384 965 
2278|158| 6228363 597225 967 
243$|157| 5632293 5s6070| + o6t 
25921157 59373745949191 965 
se 157|  4443604}595770 964 
2906 |157| 3850979 592625 963 
3063|157| 3259496 591483 962 
50157 2669151 $90345 961 
3537711571 2079941 }589210;0, 98960 
3534|157|  1491864|538077 959 
3692|158 0904914] 5 86950 958 
3849 |157161,0315091! 585823 957 
4006|157 60, 9734339 |534702 956 
4163 157| 9150807 |583582 955 
046 4298 |157 so! 4320|157 3563 340|582467 954 
047 4455 |157 48 4477|157|  7986986|581354 953, 
048 46121157 45 4634 {157 7406741 | $20245 952, 
049 4763157 # 4791|157| 6827602 5791391 951 
9,010$0| 0,0164926 Tr 9998640} O, OI64949|158 60, 6249566|578036|0, 98950 
Arc. | Cofinus. |D.} Sinus. | Cotang. |D.|. Tang. } Diff. | Arc, 
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