Full text: Nouvelles Tables trigonométriques calculées pour la division décimale du quart de cercle

T7 rage ac 0 0 star tnt A IE 
Arc. | Sinus. | D. | Cofimus. | D. | ‘Tang. | D. | Cotang. | D. | Arc. 
9» 3050|0y4609744| __|o, 88741841" ” [oys194584[ | 19250819] 10,6% 
CU 51|0,4611138|1394 3410 724|  96579|1995}  43430|7389) 7 
52 2531 [1393 2686, 724|0,$198574 199$ 3604417386 
$3 3925 |1394 1961 725|0, $200$69| 1995 28663|7381 
54 $319|1394 1236 725|  02565|1996 21287 |7376 
$5 6712 139310, 8370511 | 735 | 04561|1996 1391517372 
5é| 810$ |1393 1, 9206$47 
$7 |0, 4619499 | 1394, I, 9199184 
58 |, 4620892 | 1393 91826 
59} * 2285/1393 84471 
O,so6o| 3678 1393| 77122 
61 $070| 1392! 6977617346 
62 6463|1393 62435 7341, 
63 7855 |1392} 55099|7336 
64.|0, 4629248 | 1393 47767|7332 
6510, 4630640|1392 40439|7328 
2, 2070 
2032/1392 25211 
3424 {1392 1793 
4816/1392 106$ 
5 se 
7600|1392}0, 8859609 
26540|1999 | 
28540 es 
34543 | 2002 
729 36544: 2001 
729 38546 | 2002 
729 #0 |ac0e| 
5 4255012002 
729{0, 5244553; 2003 | 
750 46ÿ56|2003 
730 28559 2008 
730 50563; 200 
730 $256712004 
731 54571; 2004 
56576 |2005 
58581 2003 
62592] 2006 
64598 2006 
66604 | 2006. 87568 |7236 14 
68611 | 2007 80336|7232 I3 
70618 2097 73109|7227 12 
72683 2007 65885 |7224 Il 
7463312008 58666/7219|0, 6910 
See ($1452|7214 09 
78649 0) 44242 |7210 08 
8065812009 37036|7206 07 
82667 2009 29834|7202 o6 
84676 |2009 22636|7198 
734 86686 /2010| 15443 |7193 04 
735 88695 2009 08254|7189| + 03 
734 90706 2011 I,8901070|7184 02 
735 92716 2010 1,8893889|7181 ol 
73510, 5294727, 2011; 1, 8886713|7176|0, 6906 
D. | Cotang. | D, | Tang. | D: | Arc. 
= À 
25797 |73191 3% 
18482|7315 3 
III7217310 31 
1, 9103866 |7306|0, 69% 
1,9096$65 |7301 29 
39268 |7297| 2 
$1975|7293| m7 
74687 |7288 26 
60124|7279] 24 
$2849|7275| 23 
45578|7271| 22 
3831117267 21 
31049|7262|0, 6920 
#23793{7257 19 
16538/7254| 18 
09289|7249 17 
I, 9002044 |7245| 16 
1, 8994804 | 7240 
71|0; 4638991 | 1991! 3880 
720; 4640383 |1392 BIS 
73 | 1774 1391 | 7422 
74 5166 1 66g3| 
15 45$7/159I} = _ 5564 
76 5948/1391 5234 
77 7539{ 1391 4504 
78 |0, 4648730} 1391 3774 
79/0, 46$0120| 1390 3044 
©, 3080 ISII/I3OI 2313} 
2901 |1390| 1582 | 
4292 {1391 o8sI 
5682/1390 9, ssjotzo| 
7072|1390 0, 8849389 
8462|1390 86571 
87 |0,4661242|1390 
ÿ 2631 se 
89 4021 {1390 
D, 3090 $S410|1389 
9I 6800/1390 
92 8189/1389 
93 (0, 4669578 | 1389 
9410; 4670967 | 1389 
9; 2356/1389 
2 os 0, 8840595" 
97 5133/1389|0, 8839860 
98 6ÿ21|1388 9126 
Oo, 2005) 7910] 1389 8391 
D, 3100 | 0, 4679298 | 1388 |0, 8837656 
Arc. | Coefinus, | D. | Sinus. 
792$ 732 
7193 732 
6461 | 732 
75 733 
4996| 732 
4263 |. 733 
3530| 733 
2796° 734 
2003 733 
1329 7934 
9, AC 
A) ; 
0, 107C 
A), NO$L 
0, 409€ 

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