Functions, symmetric, 2.
— in general, 8 ff., 94.
Generation of curves, 57, 59.
Genus of curve, 100, 119, 120, 141.
— of series, 322.
— of system of curves, 426.
Grade of linear system of curves,
Groups of points, linear series, 121.
— of Cremona transformations,
Hessian, 77, 79, 95-8, 151-7.
Homaloid, 442.
Hypercusp, 18.
Hyperplane, 12.
Hyperspace, fundamental proper
ties, 12, 13.
Identities of Clebsch, 463-6.
Index of circuit, 65, 66.
— of cuspidal, 247, 248.
— of inflexional, 247, 248.
— of special adjoints, 395, 396.
— of system of curves, 379.
Inflexions, 94, 95.
— in system of curves, 420-2,
Indices of correspondence, 124.
Integrals, Abelian, 270, 330-7.
—,—, of first sort, 271-4, 356,
—, —, of second sort, 275, 356.
—, —, of third sort, 276.
Intersection theorem, 23, 225.
Intersections of branches, 224-7,
—, infinitely near, 26.
Invariant, 73.
—, binary, 81-6.
—, ternary, 86-8.
Involution, 257, 316.
—, Geiser, 478, 479.
Isobaric, 2.
Isologue, 459.
Jacobians, 82, 83, 149-51.
Line, fundamental, 197.
Moduli, 293, 294, 303, 304.
Multiplicity of singular point, 17.
Nest, 62.
Net, homaloidal, 444.
—, Laguerre, 423, 424.
—, linear of curves, 140, 148-60,
Operator, Aronhold, 77.
—, Cayley, 77, 78.
—, polar, 75.
Order of branch of curve, 218.
— of circuit, 65, 66.
— of curve, 14, 141.
— of series, 122, 315.
Pencil of curves, 137, 147, 148, 158,
169, 417-22.
Point, branch for correspondence,
135, 136.
—, fundamental for transforma
tion, 197, 208, 442.
—, satellite, 238, 239.
—, singular, 17, 90-4.
—, Weierstrass, 290-2.
—, unit, 68.
Points, O x O s 0 3 , 69.
Point-groups, linear series, 121.
Polar curves, 88-93, 138-47, 185-
Polynomials, general properties, 1.
—, homogeneous, 7 ff., 11.
Power of point, 176-8.
Process, Aronhold, 74, 75, 78.
—, polar, 74, 75.
Propinquity of branches, 224, 226,
228, 239.
Residual, 30, 248.
Resultant, 4 ff.
Rule, Zeuthen’s, 131.
Satellite, 159-61.
Series, linear of point-groups, 121.
canonical, 252.
characteristic, 384.
complete, 122.
composite, 257.
difference of, 253.
dimension of, 122, 315.
residual, 325-7.
simple, 257, 315.
sum of, 253.
Series, non-linear of point-groups,
genus of, 322.
index of, 316-22.