Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Martensitic phases (in absence of y‚) 
Fe-rich k-phase 
Bainitic a’-phase. zn 
In contrast to conventional methods potentiostatic etching offers the following additional 
Sensitive indication of small segregations in the a-phase 
Showing of the concentration gradient in the k-precipitates 
Considerable improvement in the extraction of k-precipitates during the 
preparation of carbon extraction replicas for electron microscopy. 
Where as chemical etching is sufficient to exactly define the microstructure in coarse-grained 
cast structures of the technical hypoeutectic Al-bronzes, the application of potentiostatic 
etching is primarily of advantage with cast alloys of higher Al-content and with all heat 
treated alloys. 
| PR. Swann, H. Warlimont, Acta Metallur- 5 R. Paton, P.J. Le Thomas, Fonderie (1963), 
gica 11 (1963), Nr. 6, 511/27 Nr. 214, 462/66 vgl. Mem. Sci. Rev. Metallur- 
z P. Brezina, Gießereiforschung 22 (1970), Nr. 2, gie 60 (1963), Nr. 6, 453/57 
81/88 vgl. Techn. Rundschau SULZER 51 6 D. Arnaud, R. Paton, S. Wigy, C. Mascre, Fon- 
(1969), Nr. 3, 117/26 derie (1964), Nr. 226, 403/30 vgl. Mem. Sci. 
F. Gaillard, A. R. Weill, Mem. Sci. Rev. Metal- Rev. Metallurgie 67 (1965), Nr. 2, 89/116 
lurgie 57 (1960), Nr. 12, 889/99 7 R.D. Garwood, Iron and Steel Institute, Speci- 
F. Gaillard, A. R. Weill, Mem. Sci. Rev. Metal- al Report Nr. 93 (1965), 90/109 
lurgie 62 (1965), Nr. 7/8, 591/603 

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