Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

The stereometric microstructure analysis delivers data about 3 factors, which govern the 
geometric arrangement of the phases: shape, orientation and distribution. The distinction 
between a direct and indirect shape factor and its measurement is considered. Furthermore 
the textur-factor for describing the orientation and the distribution rate as criteria for the 
phase distribution is explained. 
Finally, the meaning and content of material-dependent microstructure analysis has been 
considered. There are two possibilities, given by the material investigated: microstructures 
being in equilibrium, that means measurements about constitution for example — and 
microstructures, in which the equilibrium state is not reached. In this context compatibility 
studies and investigations about reaction kinetics are mentioned. 
1 S. R. Saltykow, Stereometricka metalografie, 18 W. Pepperhoff, P. Schwaab, Handbuch der 
Praha, SNTL (1962) Mikroskopie in der Technik, Bd. III, Teil IL 
2 G. Bockstiegel, II. Internat. Tagung über Pul- 65/72, Umschau Verlag Frankfurt/Main (1969) 
vermetallurgie, Karlovy Vary, 1 (1970) 53 19 W. Pepperhoff, Handbuch der Mikroskopie in 
3 S. Nazare, G. Ondracek, F. Thümmler, Kernfor- der Technik, Bd. II, Teil II, 1/ Umschau Verlag 
schungszentrum Karlsruhe, KFK 1236 (1970) Frankfurt/Main (1969) 
4 D. Schreiber, Handbuch der Mikroskopie in der 20 W. Pepperhoff, Arch. Eisenhüttenwes. 32 
Technik, Bd. III, Teil2, 227/244; Umschau (1961) 269 
Verlag, Frankfurt/Main (1969) 21 H. H. Ettwig, H. E. Bühler, G. Jackel, Arch. 
5 Ernst Leitz GmbH, Prospekt Liste 521 — 27a Eisenhüttenwes. 41 (1970) 957 
(1970) 22 H. H. Ettwig, W. Pepperhoff, Z. Metallkde. 60 
6. C. Fischer, M. Cole, The Microscope 16 (1968) (1969) 277 
2 23 S. Nazare, G. Ondracek, Prakt. Metallographie 6 
7 W. Lang, Zeiss-Informationen Nr. 73 (1969) (1969) 742 
100 24 G. Petzow, H. E. Exner, Prakt. Metallographie, 
8 Schaefer GmbH, Prospekt 1.11 (1970) Sonderheft 1 (1970) 
9 Millipore Katalog Nr. LTPB 030 (1970) 25 G. Ondracek, Kernforschungszentrum Karls- Ss 
10 H. Jehn, pers. Mitteilung und Met. Ital. dem- ruhe, KFK 845 (1969) . 
nächst 26 E. E. Underwood, Quantitative Stereology, Fig 
11 A. Delesse, Ann. des Mines 13 (1848) 379 Addison-Wesley Publ. Co., Reading Mass., 1970 
12 G. Ondracek, Prakt. Metallographie 1 (1964) 27 R.C. Rossi, J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 51 (1968) 433 Fis 
152 28 A. Jesse, Dissertation Universität Karlsruhe H) 
13 G. Petzow, E. Exner, Handbuch der Mikro- (1969) 
skopie in der Technik, Bd. III, Teil I, 37/185; 29 K. Swoboda, A. Kulmburg, E. Staska, Prakt. 
Umschau Verlag Frankfurt/Main (1968) Metallographie, dieser Band 
14 F. Jeglitsch, Handbuch der Mikroskopie in der 30 G. Hoffmann, Dissertation Universität Karls- 
Technik, Bd. III, Teill, 187/245; Umschau ruhe (1971) 
Verlag Frankfurt/Main (1968) 31 S. Nazare, G. Ondracek, F. Thümmler, Kernfor- 
15 G. Ondracek, B. Leder, C. Folitis, Prakt. Metal- schungszentrum Karlsruhe, KFK 1252 (1970) 
lographie 5 (1968) 71 32 0. Götzmann, Dissertation Universität Karls- 
16 A. Jesse, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe, ruhe (1968) 
KFK 1131 (1970) 33 L. Schäfer, Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe, 
17 W. Pepperhoff, H. H. Ettwig, Interferenzschich- IMF, persönliche Mitteilung (1970) 
tenmikroskopie, Dr. Dietrich Steinkopff-Verlag 34 A. Cauchy, Mem. Acad. Sci. 22 (1850) 3 
Darmstadt (1970) 

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