Durch Elektronenbeugung konnten die Karbide M,3Cg6 und Mg;C sowie die Karbonitride MX
und M,X nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin traten die intermetallischen Phasen y”-NbNiz,
(Mo, Nb)Niz und n-Niz Ti auf. Von diesen Phasen waren M,3Ce und y*_NbNiz nicht stabil.
The Precipitation and Recrystallization Behaviour of the
Nickel-Base Alloy Inconel 625
The precipitation behaviour of the nickel-base alloy Inconel 625 was investigated light and
electron microscopically in the temperature region between 600 and 1100° C for times
between 5 min and 3000 hrs, and a time-temperature-precipitation diagram was determined.
Furthermore the recrystallization behaviour was determined at temperatures between 800
and 1250° C and deformations up to 35 %.
The carbides M,3Cg and Mg6C as well as the carbonitrides MX and M, X could be found by
electron diffraction. Furthermore the intermetallic phases y*_NbNiz ‚ (Mo,‚Nb)Niz and
n-Niz Ti were found. Of these phases M,3Cg and y*-NbNiz are not stable.
' H. Böhm u. a., Vortrag auf der Hauptversamm- 3 F. Garzarolli, H. Gerscha, K.P. Francke,
lung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f, Metallkunde, Z. Metallkde, 60 (1969) 643/652
Hannover (1968) 4 H. Schönfeld, pers. Mitteilung
_ H. Böhm, K. Ehrlich, K. H. Kramer, Metall 24
(1970) 139/144