Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

8 E. Laufer, W.N. Roberts, Phil. Mag.10 184. 5S. Argon, J. A. Godrick, Fracture Conf., 
(1964) 883 Chapman u, Hall Ltd., Brighton (1969) 576 
9 P. Lukas, M. Klesnil, J. Krejcy, P, Rys,Phys. 19 J. D. Embury, R. B. Nicholson, Acta Met. 13 
Stat. Sol. 15 (1966) 71 (1965) 403 
10 C. E. Feltner, E. Laird, Ford Motor Comp. Sci 20 C. A. Stubbington, P. J. E. Forsyth, Acta Met. 
Lab. Publ. (1967) 14 (1966) 5 
11 P. Lukas, M. Klesnil, Phys. Stat. Sol. 21 (1967) 21 W. J. Plumbridge, D. A. Ryder, Acta Met. 17 
747 (1969) 1449 
12 S. Nishyima, Trans. Nat, R. Inst. Met. 11 22 R. W. Hertzberg, Inst. Met. 96 (1968) 205 
(1969) 59 23 C. Laird, nach *, 138/139 
13 M. A. Wilkins, G.C. Smith, Acta Met. 18 25 Kh. G. Schmitt-Thomas, H. Klingele, Der Ma- 
(1970) 1035 schinenschaden 42 (1969) 183 
14 S. A. Weissmann, A. Shrier, V. Greenhut, 24 K. Erhardt, N. J. Grant, Fracture Conf,, Chap- 
A. S. M. Trans. Quart. 59 (1966) 709 man u, Hall Ltd., Brighton (1969) 702 
15 D. J.H. Cockaine, I. L. F. Ray, H. J. Whelan, 26 G. H. Plateau, J. Plateau, La Microfractogra- 
Kongreß f. Elektronenmikroskopie Grenoble 2 phie, ed, Mateaux (1969) II, 4, 2, 3 
(1970) 321 27 D. Broek, Fracture Cont., Capman u. Hall Ltd., 
16 B. S. Huckenhull, R. G. Hacking, Proc. Ultra- Brighton (1969) 754 
sonics for Ind. Conf. (1969) 8 
17 I. C. Großkreutz, G. G. Shaw, Fracture Conf., 
Chapman u. Hall Ltd,, Brighton (1969) 620 

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