Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

sample positions are connected to another by a 180° rotation about the primary beam 
(more exactly: the zone axis). Therefore, this kind of ambiguity is called “180°-ambiguity”. 
Furthermore a new kind of ambiguous solutions is reported, the so-called ““coincidence 
ambiguity”. It occurs only in highly symmetrical lattices like especially the cubic one. The 
two orientations producing the same spot pattern are nof connected by any symmetry 
relations. The reason is based in „coinciding” reflections like e. g. (355) and (173) which are 
different but produce the same indices square sum h’+k* +1? which is 59 for both cases. 
Possible ways are reported to solve both kinds of ambiguity. Furthermore a survey is given 
concerning the presentday possibilities to improve the accuracy in determination of the 
sample orientation from the spot or Kikuchi pattern analyses. 
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