Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

12 T. H. Schofield, A. E. Bacon, J. Inst. Metals 84 19 S. Anderson, B. Collen, U. Kuylenstierna, A. 
(1955/56) 47 Magnoli, Acta Chem. Scand. 11 (1957) 1641 
13 J. J. Kornilov, M. A. Glazova, Doclady Akad. 20 J. L. Gissy, J. B. Schroder, G. H. Schippereit, 
Nauk. SSSR 150 (1963) 313 Trans. AIME 212 (1958) 360 
14 M. Hirabayashi, M. Koiwa, S. Yamaguchi, Int. 21 C. Feng, C. Elbaum, Trans. AIME 212 
Symposium Inst. of Metals (1968) Monograph (1958) 47 
No. 33 22 T. Ernst, F. Laves, Z. Metallkde. 40 (1949) 1 
15 J. J. Kornilov, The Science, Technology and 23 U. Zwicker, VDI-Berichte Nr. 139 (1969) 37 
Application of Titanium, Pergamon Press 24 U. Zwicker, Z. Metallkde. 49 (1958) 179 
(1968) 413/417 25 W. G. Burgers, Acta Phys. I (1934) 561 
16 Holmberg, Acta Chem. Scand. 16 (1962) 1245 26 J. Spreadborough, J. W. Christian, Proc. Phys. 
17 S. Yamaguchi, M. Koiwa, AM. Hirabayashi, Soc, 74 (1959) 609 
J. Phys. Soc, Japan 21 (1966) 2096 27 P. C. Gehlen, The Science, Technology and App- 
18 H. Goretzki, Bundesministerium für wissen- lication of Titanium, Pergamon Press 
schaftliche Forschung, _Forschungsbericht (1968) 349 
K 68—62, Dezember 1968 

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