Full text: Metallographie - Stähle, Verbundwerkstoffe, Schadensfälle

1. B. Wunderlich, "Macromolecular Physics", Academic Press, New York, 3 vol. 1973-80. 
3 D.C. Bassett (Ed.), "Developments in Crystalline Polymers", Applied Sciences 
Publishers, London, New Jersey. 
N R.N. Haward (Ed.), "The Physics of Glassy Polymers", Applied Science Publishers, 
London 1973. 
: AE. Woodward, "Atlas of Polymer Morphology", Hanser, Miinchen, Wien, New York 
_ 5 L.S. Sawyer and D.T. Grubb, "Polymer Microscopy", Chaman and Hall, London, New 
York 1987. 
hei denen bei 
r Blocklängen 
Packung oder 
for Gitter sind 
Prakt. Met. Sonderbd. 21 (1990) 

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