Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

density of y’,, calculated from the AFM images might be overestimated. The quantitative analysis Comp 
by AFM was already reported to be an alternative method for measuring a particle size distribution (nam 
and volume fraction in superalloys [4, 5]. It was reported about the influence of the cantilever tips 
geometry as well as etching depth on an estimation of particle parameters in Waspaloy [5]. In the vi 
present study, the very high resolution during measurements of non etched specimen has been oo 
achieved; that led to leave out of account this phenomena. po 
The local chemical composition of primary vy,’ precipitates has been determined with help of TEM- 
EDS technique. The elemental maps of Waspaloy are shown in Fig. 5. The composition of y’, was 
established as follows: (Nig 4;C0405sCrg04)3T1g63A10 37. Abstra 
U.4um ar 
Fig.5: TEM-EDS element maps of Waspaloy Be 
Summary Sn 
The combination of analytical TEM and AFM techniques is a powerful tool in stereological ; 
characterisation of nickel-base superalloys. Because of the homogeneous distribution of nanometer 5 
sized vy,’ particles, the estimation of microstructural parameters of Waspaloy is possible by TEM Howe 
methods. The TEM quantitative analysis is a relatively easy procedure of practical importance. The ro 
AFM measurements of a non etched specimen surface leads to a good agreement with the TEM se 
analysis for the y ‚’ particle size but their density and volume fraction is overestimated applying Hin 
simple stereological rules. Un 
Acknowledgement NN 
This work is part of the DFG - joint research programme “Herstellungs- und Lebensdauermodelle 
fiir den Einsatz von Nickel-Basiswerkstoffen in Dampfturbinen oberhalb 700°C”. The financial Oo 
support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft is gratefully acknowledged. on 
References = 
(1) Y. C. Fayman: Materials Science and Engineering 82 (1986), 203 a 
2) P. Rehrer, D. R. Muzyka, G. B. Heydt: Journal of Metals (February 1970), 32 
3) A. Czyrska-Filemonowicz, B. Dubiel, K. Wiencek: Acta Stereologica 17 (1998), 225 
4) M. Goken, M. Kempf: Acta Materalia 47 (1999), 1043 
5) A. Bourhettar, A. Hazotte, M. Troyon: Materials Characterization 34 (1995), 265 

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