Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

"_- = ; m grain 2: <1-11>- tensile axis 
=e z A gain 3: <2-11>- tensile axis 
ke elector % 15 & gan 4; <3-22>- tensile axis 
Splacemente ' e grain 5: <1 00>- tensile cxis 
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op load stress ¢' [MPa] 
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Figure 1: Linear Dependency of Load Stress oc! and Electromagnetically Determined Residual 
; magnetic Stress o' gy in Individual Grains 
n or smaller, 
pulation The residual stress values recorded by the Barkhausen Noise Eddy Current Microscope can be 
nation displayed as line- or area scans. 
hausen Noise 
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Figure 2:External Load o' and Residual Stress of the Second Order oc", established by BEMI and 
XPA Inside Individual Grains of Different Crystal Orientation. XPA only delivers a mean 
value per grain. The Residual Stress Distribution "gum is represented by Line-Scans 
through the Center of Grains 1-5 of the Nickel Specimen. The Standard Mean Deviation of 
ol. and o'lyps is 2.7MPa. 
10,0 20,0 ; 

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