Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Figure 2 illustrates micromagnetic data of the residual stress distribution o'':m of several grains of a Atomic 
nickel specimen established by regression analysis in comparison with the residual stress } 
distribution 6"xpa [10] determined by the radiographic method. The good correlation of o"em and Nf 
o'lypa demonstrates that the BEMI system is capable of determining residual micro-stresses of the oo 
second order [5] independently from the orientation of the grain. The residual stress values Opa Re - | 
displayed in Figure 2 correspond to the residual stress values of the second order in load direction Ns 
as established with the XPA method. 
S. Summary foi 
Several independent electromagnetic quantities were correlated to residual stress values, which 
were radiographically determined, using the mathematical assistance of the multiple regression Ihe a 
analysis. With that, it was possible to develop algorithms to determine residual stresses of the OEE 
second order independent from the orientation of the individual grain. The standard deviation of heat ma 
electromagnetic and radiographic residual stress values is 2.7MPa. In contrast to X-ray methods, me 
searching for reflections and sample rotation to measure residual stresses in adjacent crystallites is deformal 
not needed. The implementation of the lift-off compensation, a spin-off product of this research RITE 
project, permits contact-free and continuous data acquisition above the grain boundaries regardless 
of the specimen’s surface contour. 
6. References EN 
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(4) T. Ungar; H. Mughrabi; D. Rénnpagel; M. Wilkens: “X-Ray Line-Broadening Study of the 
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(6) M. Zehetbauer; T. Ungar; R. Kral; A. Borbely; E. Schafler; B. Ortner; H. Amenitsch; 
S. Bernstorff: “Scanning X-Ray Diffraction Peak Profile Analysis in Deformed Cu-Polycrystals 
by Synchrotron Radiation”, Acta mater. Vol. 47 (1999), S. 1053-1061 
(7) L Altpeter; G. Dobmann; N. Meyendorf; S. Fassbender; J. Hoffmann; W. Nichtel-Pecher; 
J. Johnson: “Detection of Residual Stresses and Nodular Growth in Thin Ferromagnetic Layers 
with Barkhausen and Acoustic Microscopy”, In: Nondestructive Characterization of Materials 
VIII, New York (1998), S. 677 - 682. 
(8) I. Altpeter; J. Hoffmann; M. Kopp; H. Grimm; W. Nichtl-Pecher: “Charactarization of Thin 
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Carl Hanser Verlag, Miinchen, S. 261-270 
(9) I. Altpeter; W. Theiner; M. Kopp: European Patent No. 0 595 117, Magnetic Microscopy 
(10)S. Kuhn: “Eigenspannungsermittlung im Mikrometerbereich mittels mikromagnetischer 
Prüfverfahren”, Diploma Thesis, May 1999, IZFP. 

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