Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Low Alloy Steel | Austenitc Stainless Steel Fase t 
Field Before After % Before After % U 
treatment treatment Difference treatment treatment | Difference ne 
1, 671 7.96 1863 , 921 6.75 CY 
2 656 | 833 | 26.98 8.55 5.89 4516 et 
3 | 6.07 23 38.22 | 9.91 7.05 40.57 
4 1: 678 8.12 19.06 | 922 | 6.52 4141 
5 | 7.29 8.66 1879 932 | 6.02 54.82 { Eiglet 
6 891 8.56 2388 = 833 | 5.56 49.82 
7 699 | 91 3019 | 901 , 607 | 4843 Der Mag 
, 8 6.57 8.23 25.27 9.88 E38 | 3479 gS 
9 6.07 841 , 3855 9.02 651 | 3856 Bedeutun 
10 6.41 838 + 3073 | 965 _, 684 41.08 geseen 
Ale 602 | 855 | 4203 859 , 592 45.10 14. 
12 6.07 ~~ 836 | 3773 8.45 6.12 38.07 
BT 6.49 8.78 i 35.29 8.95 6.47 38.33 {m Rahm 
34 | 601 838 | 3943 | 84S 581 | 4544  nemet 
15 6.05 8.49 40.33 922 6.38 | 4451 untersuch 
16 605 | 831 37.36 9.11 - 689 | 3222 = mi 
17 597 | 8.64 44.72 8.87 6.05 46.61 
18 8.27 43.58 5.73 43.28 2 Grund 
19 833 | 2975 35.95 os 
20 6.16 36.20 6.15 35.45 Dani 
|_Average 637 | 843 3234 | 891 6.30 41.43 Sie 
Table 1 — Results of grain size measurements for the low alloy steel and austenitic stainless steel 
samples, before and after image treatment 
die Ober 
(1) A.C.Vidal et al., The Manufacture of Brinell Hardness Standard Blocks in Brazil, Proceedings of 
International Symposium on Advances in Hardness Measurement- HARDMEKO 98 , China, 1998, p. 
(2) M.V. Oliveira et al. , Characterization of a Stainless Steel Surgical Implant, Proceedings of the 
XVII Congress of the Brazilian Society for Microscopy and Microanalysis, Acta Microscopia, Vol. 8, 
Sup. A, October 1999, pg. 167-168 - Santos - SP BRASIL 
(3) K.R Castleman, Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall , 1979 
(4) J.C. Russ, The Image processing Handbook , Third Edition, CRC Press, 1988 
(5) Barbosa, M.A, Imaging Techniques in Biomaterials: Digital Image Processing applied to 
Orthopaedic Dental Implants, Elsevier, 1994 
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