Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

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Fig. 1: SEM micrographs of alumina. 
a) solid state sintered (SSS), b) of 0.5 wt.% MgSiOs containing LPS 
Despite the markedly different microstructures, the variation of hardness and fracture toughness of 
all specimens tested were within the range of an experimental error. Macroscopic-scale mechanical 
characteristics fail to provide the hints on wear behavior of polycrystalline ceramic materials, since 
the events responsible for wear take place at much lower — microscopic - scale of single grain 
boundaries or several grains. The major mechanism of material loss during the wet erosive wear of 
pure alumina of grain size > 1 pm is grain pull-out initiated by grain boundary microfracture and 
crack interlinking. In the MgSiOs liquid phase sintered aluminas the intergranular silicate films 
appear to have the main function of strengthening the grain boundaries, and material loss in these 
materials occurs primarily by intragranular fracture at much reduced rates. [1] There may also be Fig. 3% 
enhancement of the tribochemical component of wear. High fluctuating stresses (+ 450 MPa) in the So 
MgSiO; sintered materials result from the thermal expansion coefficient differences between the a 
alumina, the grain boundary magnesium aluminosilicate glass and the minor crystalline phases such a 
as sapphirine, spinel and mullite that crystallise from the aluminosilicate glass upon cooling from The diffe 
the processing temperature. These stresses appear to influence microcrack propagation rate by ITs 
slowing the rate at which a transgranular crack can propagate across the boundary. Employing the with aspe 
mechanisms mentioned, the addition of up to 10 wt.% of magnesium silicate sintering additives Same com 
increased the wear resistance of alumina 2-3 times, compared to the pure alumina with the LEE 
comparable mean grain size, Fig. 2. 
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~ 30 0 pure ALO, [1] nn nn 
o —M— pure ALO, PrOpertie 
= 20 MgSiO,: mons 
ee —y—0.5wi.% Lo 
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Fig. 2: Wet erosive wear rates of the pure and LPS aluminas. hm 

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