Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

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Figure 5: Microstructure of the spray formed alloy consisting of y, - , B, — and kx — phase, a — low magnification, 
b — high magnification 
2-Theta ~ Scale UNIVERSITAET ROSTOCK 92-Sep-2882 11:32 
sr TTT TT 
in } 
halle ER Kl hb 
25 308 35 49 45 se 55 62 65 70 75 89 85 9a 95 100 
C :\USERDATANSS2.RAH Unnamed - B (CT: 1.85, 55:8.858dg, WL: 1.5486A0) 
24-8803 C Cu9Al4 Aluminum Copper (UL: 1,5486A0) 
28-2885 | AICu3 Aluminum Copper (HL: 1.540600} 
&-8695 Fe3Al Aluminum Iron (WL: 1.548600) 
Figure 6: X — ray diffraction pattern of the spray formed alloy, the reflection positions of the y, -, B; — and x — 
phase are marked by vertical lines 
It is possible to describe the formation of the microstructure by the following transformations 
(/5,6/and Fig.7). 
Melt — disordered bcc ß —> B + «x > f + x + y2 — ordered bee B, + x + y, — ordered 
orthorhombic B; + x + y, 
By the hot pressing of the spray formed alloy a banded structure of the former ß — grains and 
a grain refinement of the microstructure are produced as shown in Fig.8a. In the transverse 
microsection the banded structure is not observed ( Fig.8b ). The hot pressed microstructure 
also consists of the phases v;, 8; and x ( Fig.8c ). 

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