compared to the initial primary spacing (fig. 5, right, : Studie
lower end between x=10 and x=11mm), after the on the
melting/resolidification process a significantly larger J
primary spacing is found. De
In the equiaxed samples, the concentration profiles are Ll
similar to those in the directionally solidified samples "
(fig. 4). However, in addition to the concentration gra- |
dient a gradient of the grain size and grain aspect ratio ons
develops. As the solidification front moves toward
regions with higher temperatures, the grains get more ;
and more elongated. In addition to the elongation of the ee
grains and similarly as for the columnar microstructure, Metasial
the length scale of the microstructure is changing . elevated
during the melting/resolidifiation process. As compared Suen
to the initial grain size of the equiaxed grains (fig. 5, ie
left, lower end, between x=10 and x=11mm), a signi- 5
ficantly larger grain size is observed.
x fm
dw =0-
Conclusions u
The experimental set-up with the steep temperature
gradient provides an excellent tool for studying the Eperim
kinetics of melting. The substantial change of length Wels
scale and the grain elongation in the equiaxed sample (TEL
show that the mushy zone undergoes a complex phase ;
transformation process. Further work is needed to me
separate and identify the different processes leading to
the observed microstructures. 9
References 9 I
I. E.E. Emley, Int. Metall. Rev 21 (1976) 75-115
2. M.C. Schneider, J.P. Gu, C. Beckermann, W.J.
Boettinger, U.R. Kattner, Metall. Mater. Trans 28A Fig. 5: Microstructures after 1h for 4
(1997) 1517-1531 initially equiaxed (left) and
columnar (right) samples