Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

; Dlaceq at high 
on (U) (Fig 16) column in Fig. 2 images of a positive replica of a pearlitic structure obtained with three detectors 
lg When 5 are compared. The cementite plates are well seen in the SE image (Fig. 2a) and in the BSE low 
Such King - he take-off image (Fig. 2c), they are poorly resolved in the BSE high take-off image (Fig. 2b). In the 
right column of Fig. 2 ‚images of a negative replica of tempered martensite are compared. The 
distribution of carbides is clearly seen only in the image taken with the sector-shaped ring detector 
(Fig. 29). 
crion of SE with Cen 
annular-split top a gE 
1 of BSE at low A. 
ectories of BSE, © 
 licht-guide, 5- 
4 in the AGAR L . A 
were m de. The A A rea . | Keen 
EL Fig. 2: Comparison of images of a positive replica of pearlite (left column) and a negative replica of 
i tempered martensite (right column) taken with the use of different detectors. ((a) and (d))- E-T 
€ weer, detector of SE, ((b) and (e))- BSE semiconductor annular-split detector shown in Fig. 1d (A-B 
J he lf signal of halves of the detector), ((c) and (f))- BSE sector-shaped scintillation ring detector shown 
lu in Fig. | f. Beam energy Eo = 20 keV. Pairs of images (a)~(b) and (d)-(f) taken at the same locations 
on replicas. 

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