Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

mechanical grinding and polishing 
final step 
mechanical chemical physical 
treatment treatment treatment 
@ 2 } . } 
| 2. = chemical ion beam 
vibratory a 3. polishing polishing 
| polishing © © | > plasma 
20 | slight || © cleaning 
‚5535| etching || ZZ annealing 
— a 0 -- a 
Fig. 6: Preparation strategies for EBSD 
EBSD as a method with very low information depth requires adjustment of the standard preparation 
procedures in order to remove any residual distortion on the prepared surface. On the other hand, 
this technique can be used as quality control for specimen preparation and help to improve it. 
The authors thank to the Struers company for providing the LaboPol 4/LaboForce 1 polishing 
machine and also to all Struers coworkers who supported them with helpful advice regarding the 
preparation procedures. 
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