Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Focused A special type of ATEM also allows energy ı NanOR 
electron beam filtered fixed beam images with in-column or 0 
i _ post-column imaging filters (5). This technique 3 Mal 
ag Energy dispersive . . . 
X-ray detector uses precisely the inelastically scattered electrons . 
; ; with their element-specific energy losses. Th“ 
ae X-ray microanalysis pes 
Specimen gre 
Viewing /N Electron 
screen 7A microdiffraction 
Electron energy 
1 loss spectrometry 
RM. 1 
spectrometer Detector 
Figure 1: Schematic arrangement of the analytical 
components of an ATEM 
ee All analytical information is generated by 
ld ay scattering processes of the primary electrons. The 
A 34 elacıron DE interaction of the electron beam with sample 
A atoms is schematically illustrated in Figure 2. In 
conventional TEM the imaging process is 
primarily based on the contrast arising from both 
wo, the partial elimination and the interference of the 
re Te elastically scattered electrons. When inelastic jy. | 
To da } scattering occurs the incident electrons undergo wich (082 
CME ie dea element-specific energy losses AE, which can be 
specific used for chemical analysis by electron energy loss 
we spectroscopy. Simultaneously, an electron is flees 
ejected with AE from an inner electron shell. In a diagram ı 
second step this gap is occupied by an electron 
5. from an outer shell, and the energy difference is Four nett 
) N ki 3 compensated by an element-specific X-ray mew 
glections with radiation which can be analyzed by energy frog 
glamentspetific . . CC. 
anorgy loss AE dispersive X-ray spectroscopy which wa 
vr RCatlele 
Figure 2: Interaction of the primary electron 
beam with sample atoms 

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