Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

In contrast to the bulk system where the conventional phase diagram indicates no miscibility § 4 (onch 
between Co and Cu at room temperature, the nanoscale PLD multilayers are partly mixed (12). The 
inclination to mixing depends on the preparation technique that was used. In contrast to sputtered The anal 
layers pulse laser deposited multilayers can be completely ballistically mixed. ne 
electron Mm 
3.3. Chemical Bonding of Oxygen in Nanoscale Fe-Al Multilayers solved. Sp 
From the course of the electron energy loss near edge structure (ELNES) conclusions concerning Fo 
the chemical bonding are possible. A careful inspection of ELNES in nanoscale Fe-Al multilayers. =: 
(Figure 7) shows significant differences in the near edge fine structure of the K edges for oxygenin i 
Fe or in Al respectively (13). 
2 3, Refers 
Fe i Ce 
Lh . (2) Wetz 
A Al (3) Hren, 
£ - Plenu 
An Fe 5 CE 
a sticker (5) Ame 
EY 20 nm Ca 
: 7 WN (7) Bat 
U (8) Mah 
O-K Ce 
x) (10) Park 
| FT - <q - 
Al-L / : Fe L (11) Jeno 
(12) Thon 
A | (13) Thor 
eda dL = i | i 
100 200 500 400 500 600 "7305 500 600 700 800 900 
Figure 7: Microstructure and EEL spectra of a nanoscale Fe-Al multilayer 
left: fine structure of the O-K edge for ALO; 
right: fine structure of the O-K edge for Fe oxide 
A characteristic detail in the oxygen ELNES course in Fe is the distinct prepeak. This prepeak is 
typical for the oxides of transition metals of the 4™ period where electron transition into vacant 
O2p-Me3d mixed states takes place. The second oxygen spectrum belongs to ALO; as in 
agreement with the fingerprint spectra. Therefore, from energy loss near edge structures it can be 
distinguished between different nanoscale oxide phases. 

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