Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

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wedi, 4. Conclusions 
HBR SDüttered 
The analytical transmission electron microscope is a powerful instrument for nanoanalytical 
investigations of topical functional materials. This includes both nanostructural investigations by 
electron microdiffraction and elementanalytical investigations by EDXS or EELS respectively. This 
was demonstrated at three different examples. The nanostructure of ReSij,s thin films could be 
solved. Sputtered epitaxial ReSij 75 films on Si (100) consist of crystals with nm size and an azimuth 
SS rein torsion of 45°. EELS investigations on nanoscale Co-Cu multilayers showed an element mixing 
oA ml although they are immiscible in the case of bulk materials. PLD multilayers are stronger mixed than 
Iges for oxygen a sputtered layers. On nanoscale Fe-Al multilayers the near edge fine structure of the EELS O-K edge 
enabled the localized distinction between O bonding at Fe and Al respectively. 
5. References 
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