comparing these experiments with the very classical models describing this mechanism in Characte
continuum mechanics (Rice and Tracey, Gurson models)
Conclusions ak
The first part of this paper describes the tomography technique and the specification for medium ia ls
resolution and micron resolution. The tomography technique has been used to investigate the or
microstructure and damage mechanisms in several materials. The studied systems can be very
different materials such as a particular metal matrix composite, alloys, rocks, snow or a metallic
foam. In each case, tomography permitted us to visualise clearly the initial microstructure at a gpsinct
suitable resolution and when coupled with in situ tensile or compression experiments, it gave
important information about the internal structure and its evolution during the deformation of the Fp?
studied samples. We finally explained how the technique can be quantitatively used in the field of methods, @
matezials science to improve the description of the microstructure and damage of structural i i
materials. This experimental breakthrough should lead shortly to a real improve in the modeling gea-sé:
capabilities applied to this class of materials. Aw
was 1500
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