Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

thi Ding N Analytical Appraoch | 
5 In medicine 
seribine te ly Surface Biophysics Organic Chemistry 
5 of th ¢ hung -Chemistry 
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Surfaces [3], Ty 
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+ Ot mater, Development - Material - Proteine - Cell 
Surface Technology Pharmacy Cell Biology 
Quality Assessment, Logistics 
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Figure 2: Interdisciplinay reasearch on bioactive surfaces 
U. Tiffner, V. Carle, U. Schifer, F. Predel, G. Petzow: Part V Si;N, in Praktische 
Metallographie (1991) 592 
V. Carle, B. Trippel, U. Tiffner, U. Schafer, F. Predel, R. Telle, G. Petzow : Part IV AL,O,, in 
Praktische Metallographie (1995) 54 
K.-M. Holgers, PhD Thesis, University of Goteborg 1994 

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