Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Thirdly iron and nickel react with the Aluminium and additional intermetallic compounds In cores 
appear in the microstructure ( k — phases as Fe Al, Ni Al). the ww 
aloys DY 
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Al | Fe Mn Ni Co Lu vo, anes 
Cast alloy 15.3 13.5 2.5 _ 10.04 n.b. balance‘ base CI 
Sprfalloy [143 [46 22 nb. 2.3 [balance | observed 
vn ? transform 
Table 2: Chemical composition of the investigated alloys, in mass - % NE. 
At the hyp 
ofthe pro 
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ALUMINIUM, wt—%% content. 
a Cu—Al (Ref. 6), dotted line (Ref. 12); 5 Cu-Al-5Fe (Ref, 13); c Cu-Al-6Ni (Ref. 14); WEICH Ira 
d Cu—Al—5Fe—5Ni (Refs. 4, 15—18) disorderet 
. . . . . The autor 
Figure 1: Influence of the alloying elements iron and nickel on the phase diagram Cu— Al, /6/ es 
B- phase 
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Figure 2: Transformation diagram of binary Cu — Al alloys, full lines: phase diagram, orn {} 
broken lines: transformation temperatures of the ordering and martensitic transformations, / 7 / I 
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