Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

The met25 
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phase is 
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Figure 7: The coarse - grained , — microstructure Figure 8: Microstructure of the spray formed alloy nN 
with k — particles of the betatized cast alloy after the betatization, polygonal 8, — grains and RTE 
Kk - precipitations temperatu 
Inthe X- 
2-Theta - Scale UNJUERSITAET ROSTOCK 24-Jul-2088 16:02 intensities 
Amt —— TT — MC 
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30 35 40 45 sa 55 60 65 78 75 8g 85 98 9s ta 
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C:\USERDATANKZ26950I1L.RAW Unnamed - B (CT: 1.0s, SS:@.050dg. WL: 1.540600, DX:-.524) 
2-1231 1 CuZn Zhanghengite, syn (WL: 1.5486A0) 
C :“\USERDATA\SALISOEL .RAW Unnamed - B (CT: 2.4s, 55:8.05@dg, WL: 1.5406A0, DX:-.524) 
2-1231 | Cun Zhanghenglite, sun (WL: 1.5486R0) 
Figure 9: X — ray diffraction patterns of the betatized alloys, upper diagram: cast alloy, 
lower diagram: spray formed alloy, the positions of the y, — lines are marked by vertical lines 
In case of the spray formed alloy the oil quenching of small specimens from the 3 — region 
produces also a fast complete stabilization of the 3; — phase as shown in Fig. 8. In the ß2 — 
matrix small x — particles also exist. The grain size of the metastable 3; — phase is smaller 
compared with the grain size of the metastable B, — phase of the cast alloy ( Fig. 7). The X — 
ray diffraction pattern of the betatized spray formed specimen is very similar to the pattern of 
the betatized cast specimen as seen in Fig. 9. An 

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