Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Prakt. Met. Sonderband 38 (2006) 309 
se of Table ll. Mechanical specifications according to DIN Standard No. 1.7755 
pha "DIN 1.7755 Ry; 0.2% (MPa) Rn (MPa) A+(%) | HB | K (ISO V) (J) 
Gs 35 CrMoV 10 4 > 600 1000-1200 >10 237-441 
Table Ill. 
Start and finish theoretical temperatures of the allotropic transformation, start and finish 
nite- theoretical temperatures of the martensitic transformation, and critical diameters. 
A; (°C) Ae (°C) | Ms (°C) Mf (°C) D.-pearlitic- (mm) | D-bainitic- (mm) 
5 ~~ 815 775.7 265.5 50.4 + 15 252.78 65.09 
9 815.5 773.9 318.2 103.2 + 15 207.5 54.23 
10 821.7 768.3 321.9 106.9 + 15 139.3 45.46 
A | 813 775 309 94115. , 221.60 58.90 
n 814 770 310 95+15 | 150.30 50 
1200 A A 
. — CCT 
1cie and 1100 
, Madrid 3 
® 900} 
lidad de 2 
2 800 
ter VI)”, 200 . 
de los 0. 355%C, 0.6251, 0.8395%Mn, /0. 047%Ni 
600 10. 4280, 2.35%Cr, U. 14257 fl, 0063Co, 0 wt.ppm B 
es ORNL | 
” 500 al ul al a ad 
7”, Steel : 10 10° 10° 10 
Time (3) 
Aoscow Figure 1. Transformation kinetics of sample “A” [6]. 
DIN IE aa | Soy ————— 
10 4 
. 1000} 
oT 900 | 
8 800 
0.376%C, a ‚ 0.036%Mi 
600 {0.282300 , 2. 072%C ? 0.12 TxD, 005%Ca, 0 wt. ppm B = 
Cooling Rate Range = 0.01 <-> 100K/s ORNL 
BR itt ttl Ete a ad 
n° 10' 10° 10° in’ 
Time (3) 
Figure 2. Transformation kinetics of sample “B” [6].

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