Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Prakt. Met. Sonderband 38 (2006) 343 
eration - 3.2 Mechanical Properties 
wn to be 
he steel. The mechanical properties measured are presented in Table 3. The applied heat treatment 
carbides results in an average hardness of 58 HRC. High hardness is achieved after quenching, but 
steel and HRC decreases considerably due to the high tempering temperature employed. 
structure. Furthermore the microhardness of the matrix and of larger carbides was determined. It 
th some was twice as much for the alloy carbide than for the matrix, which corresponds with results 
ere also in the work of Pernegger [12], who found a microhardness of 1500 when the carbide 
using 11 contains 70 mass% iron, and for plain chromium carbides Cr;Cs; 2200. Pernegger 
sented in observed the microhardness for this carbide type decreasing with increasing amount of 
scarcely iron. Dynamic Young's Modulus of the chromium alloy carbide, which has been taken from 
diameter. Ref. [13], is about 100 GPa higher than for the studied steel. T.R.S. determination 
ig image revealed relatively high strength for this hard material. Fracture appears to be ductile with 
cation. It some transgranular fracture i.e. of the carbide particles. Cleavage of the primary carbides 
‘al [4]. It was found at the entire fracture surface. ) } 
Rockwell Hardness Micro-Hardness T.R.S. Dynamic Young’s 
Steel HRC 150kg (HV 0.25N) (MPa) Modulus (GPa) 
ee = — ER —— —————— Ce ————————— ie 
as- ! alloy tempered | tempered Cr;Cs 
tempered matrix 
quenched carbides steel steel Ref. [13] 
1.2379 | 64 58 754 1500 3600 210 320 
Table 3: Measured mechanical properties of the studied steel. 
1g fine- 
s alloy 1000 
a 900 
A Oo A AO 
© 800 A AA © a Oo 
; 0 AQ 
; 700 9 0 
J AOO © ® 
5 600 O@E A O © 
rs can 
1,E+05 1,E+06 1,E+07 1,E+08 1,E+09 1,E+10 1,E+11 
0 number of cycles 
Figure 7: S-N curve of X155CrVMo12.1 cold work steel at stress ratio R = -1 and 20 kHz 
test frequency. Fracture modes: internal fish-eye fracture (A), near-surface fracture (o), 
mc surface defects (e). Runouts at 10E10 (4).

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