Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Prakt. Met. Sonderband 38 (2006) 475 
: Fig. 4: testing of antiadhesive surfaces. Testing machine (left), graphs showing 
the (anti)adhesive properties of acrylat (tape) on different samples structured 
by sand blasting with corundum and glass beads of different particle sizes. 
Jids 3. SUMMARY 
iss. It We have shown that the differently structured rough surfaces show different adhesive 
properties and can be tested by using a method based on force-distance 
measurement of an adhering adhesive tape. The structured surfaces can be easily 
oe manufactured by sandblasting or flame spraying as well as subsequent 
electrochemical methods in order to achieve a hierarchial topography. 
Moreover, the first experiments show that also rough metallic surfaces can be coated 
and with tetraetherlipids, and so they represent a two-fold biomimetic transfer based on 
W the lotos leaf surface topography and chemistry as well as durability of the 
or biomolecular coating. Furthermore, long-term tests of the forementioned surfaces are 
nic being developed. In this case the samples have to be tested during such a long 
period of time as months and years. Systematic test of durability as well as 
antiadhesive testing as a function of surface structure and chemistry will reveal if and 
10W how some surface features may be of universal character and lead to a set of 
experience-based standard surfaces. This would enhance and increase the number 
of applications of antiadhesive surfaces in industry. 
e is 
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