Prakt. Met. Sonderband 38 (2006) 519
Influence of the structure on the properties of new magnetic
composite materials
L.A. Dobrzanski*, B. Zigbowicz*, M. Drak*, J. Konieczny*
* Institute of Engineering Materials and Biomaterials, Silesian University of Technology,
44-100 Gliwice, Poland
This paper presents the structure and its influence on magnetic properties of soft and hard
magnetic composite materials: nanocrystalline material — polymer. For fabrication of
composite materials the following powders were used: soft magnetic materials
(Fe735Cu4+Nb3Si43.5Bo, CossFe4Mo+4Si43.5B13,5) and hard magnetic material
(Nd14.8Fe76C04.95Bı.25). Composite materials were bonded by the use of (2.5 % wt.) of
following binder: thermoplastic polyethylene, chemosetting silicone and thermosetting epoxy
resin, respectively. Advanced composite materials were compacted by the one-sided
uniaxial pressing. Metallographic examinations were made on the LEICA MEF4A light
microscope equipped with the computer image analysis system. The powder grains size
measurements were carried out on the light microscope of the magnetic materials powders.
Observations of morphology of powders used were made on the DSM 940 OPTON
scanning electron microscope. Examination of magnetic properties of hard magnetic
composite materials was carried out on the MCS type device designed for examining
permanent magnets in the magnetic circuit with the air-gap. The soft magnetic composites
materials were examined on the Lake Shore Cryotronics Inc VSM vibratory magnetometer.
Polymer-bonded magnetic materials are the most rapidly growing section of magnet
market. The reasons for this rapid expansion are the requirements of market. There is also
considerable demand for polymer-bonded magnets for small motors in video recorders,
camcorders, printers, office automation, automotive, and portable drills. Hard and soft
magnetic materials are fundamental to the technical success of many devices and
products, in particular electric machines and related devices [1-3].
The search for the new magnetic materials has lead, among others, to development of
research on the Fe and Co based metallic materials with the nanocrystalline structure,
having the great soft magnetic properties and the intermetalic phases based on the rare
earth metals and transition metals Nd-Fe-B nanocrystalline structure showing excellent
hard magnetic properties [4, 8-10].
These materials are made usually as powders or thin brittle tapes which limit their range of
applications to a great extent. Therefore, to extent their potential applications it is
necessary to connect these powders and brittle tapes with binder. Bonding of
Fez35CuiNb3Sii35B9, CoggFesMo4Sii35B135 andNd48Fe76C04.95B4 25 powders with the
polymer, thermoplastic, chemically-setting and thermosetting materials or low-melting
glasses or metals makes it possible to obtain the composite materials. These magnetic
materials may be made also by sintering, injection moulding, hot compacting, upseting,