Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Prakt. Met. Sonderband 38 (2006) 47 
mal” large 4c). Eventually, a clustering of such structures occurs with increasing strain. Thus 
aries. The recrystallization, if not disrupted, would have possibly progressed preferentially at these 
5 resulting sites [5]. 
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Fig. 4: EBSD measurements: Grain maps of the deformed fraction at a strain of 0.3, with 
the bold black dots marking small angle misorientations of 2° (Figs. a and c) and 1° (Fig. b) 
in the range between 1°-5°. Fig. c is a section of Fig. a, with the arrows marking regions 
with small angle grain boundaries. The white areas represent the recrystallized fraction. 
Image width of Figs. a and b: 809 um, of Fig. ¢: 215 um. 
The analysis of the EBSD-data of the different strained specimens results in a nearly linear 
increase of the recrystallized fraction dependent on the strain (Fig. 5a). The recrystallized 
grains are strongly twinned, therefore there is a strong dependence of the calculated 
average grain size on the comprehension of the twins (see Fig. 5b). If no twins are 
removed only a slight increase of the grain size can be observed whereas a pronounced 
growth of the recrystallized grains follows the removing of all twins. The removal of 
coherent and all twins (coherent and incoherent) was carried out with a procedure 
implemented in the OIM software 4.5 and is based on an algorithm introduced by Wright 
and Larsen [14]. 
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boundaries strain strain 
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rientation Fig. 5: a) Recrystallized fraction as a function of strain b) Average diameter of the 
whereas recrystallized grains as a function of the strain and in dependence of twin handling 
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sizes of Once DRX has been initiated, it is followed by a combination of conventional metadynamic 
vs in Fig. recrystallization and static recrystallization, their fractions depending on the degree of

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