Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

94 Prakt. Met. Sonderband 46 (2014) 
was prepared from the region with deformation intensity about £~ 3.8 %. It is easy to DETAILL 
notice from the IPF map that the fine grains have different crystallographic orientation. FERRITIS 
However, the columnar growing grains have mainly the Goss and cubic orientation. In 
other words it was obtained an columnar growth of [110]{001} and [100]{100} oriented J. Kimmel*, 
grains that started to grow in area of applied impress deformation. 
* Institut fu 
4. SUMMARY ** | aboratol 
(KIT), D- 
The grain boundary migration induced by deformation gradient in NO steel was 
investigated. Three different types of deformation gradient were applied to the investigated 
NO steel. 
Summarizing the obtained results in the present work one can conclude: ABSTRAC 
The described application of deformation gradient enables to investigate the dynamic 
of grain growth in dependence of deformation intensity within one sample. Fir die detai 
The final microstructure is depended on applied intensity of deformation. der spanenc 
Abnormal grain growth takes place in the deformed area of the investigated samples. (z.B. Nital) | 
This kind of grain growth proceeded along the decreasing of deformation gradient Verstandnise 
direction. Bereich del 
The primary recrystallized microstructure was observed in the samples at the area with iibertragssct 
absence of deformation. platte) und 
Bereich 501 
erfolgreich r 
. : Zn ) ; Gefügechare 
This work was carried out within the framework of the project “High strength Schnittgesct 
electrotechnical composite steels”, which is supported by the Slovak Research and ve = 100 m/n 
Development Agency under No. APVV-0147-11. This work was also supported by the metallograpt 
Slovak Grant Agency VEGA 2/0083/13. Also, this work was realized within the frame of the eine Verifizi 
project “Technology of preparation of electrotechnical steels possessing high permeability analysiert. 
for high affectivity electromotors” ITMS 26220220037, financed through European 
Regional Development Fund. 
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In Abb. 1 i 

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