Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Prakt. Met. Sonderband 47 (2015) 11 
[10] E. Zschech, S. Niese, M. Gall, M. Loffler, M. J. Wolf, „3D IC Stack Characterization using 
Multi-Scale X-Ray Tomography”, Proc. 20" PanPacific Microelectronics Symposium, Ko- 
Mller lao/HI 2015 
¢V for [11]L. W. Kong, J. R. Lloyd, K. B. Yeap, E. Zschech, A. Rudack, M. Lichr, A. Diebold, “Applying 
Toy E= X-ray Microscopy and Finite Element Modelling to Identify the Mechanism of Stress-Assisted 
Sf iro Void Growth in Through Silicon Vias”, J. Appl. Phys. 2011, 110, 053502 
us [3,16], [12] J. U. Knickerbocker, L. W. Kong, S. Niese, A. Diebold, E. Zschech, “3D Interconnect Tech- 
Mcrofocuy nology“, in “Advanced Interconnects for ULSI Technology” (Eds. M. Baklanov, P. S. Ho, E. 
tector mtg Zschech), John Wiley & Sons Chichester, 2012, 437-502 
Taphs Were [13] P. R. Shearing, D. S. Eastwood, R. S. Bradley, J. Gelb, S. J. Cooper, F. Tariq, D. J. L. Brett, N. 
the me-{o- P. Brandon, P. J. Withers, P. D. Lee, “Exploring electrochemical devices using X-ray micros- 
20 of higher copy: 3D micro-structure of batteries and fuel cells”, Microscopy and Analysis 2013, 19-22 
Rickness or [14] J. Gluch, S. Niese, C. Jung, L. Réntzsch, E. Zschech, B. Kieback, ,,Electron and X-ray Tomog- 
raphy of Iron/Iron Oxide Redox Reactions for Large-Scale Hydrogen Storage*, Microscopy 
and Microanalysis 2013, 19, 578-579 
SAXONV via [15] E. Zschech, J. Gluch, L. Rontzsch, B. Kieback, S. Niese, A. Kubec, S. Braun, A. Leson, “La- 
boratory Nano-XCT Study of Metal/Metal Oxide Cyclic Redox Reactions for Hydrogen Stor- 
age”, 12" [nt. XRM Conf., Melbourne 2014 
[16] E. Zschech, S. Niese, M. Loeffler, M. J. Wolf, ,,Multi-scale X-ray tomography for process and 
quality control in 3D TSV packaging”, IEEE IMAPS, San Diego/CA 2014 
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